Title: A talk on cognitive changes and assessment in sickle cell disease by Dr Abbie Wickham
The following talk on cognitive changes and assessment in sickle cell disease was presented by Dr Abbie Wickham (Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist) in the sickle cell support group at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital on 3rd of June 2021. Dr Wickham talks about what is a cognitive assessment and how can be useful for people living with sickle cell disease. Please note that the talk is in an audio format to maintain confidentiality of the attendees.
Title: A talk on getting older with sickle cell disease by Prof Jo Howard
The following talk on getting older with sickle cell disease was presented by Prof Jo Howard (Consultant Haematologist/ Honorary Professor in Haemoglobinopathies) in the sickle cell support group at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital on 6th of May 2021. Prof Howard talks about the potential impact of the sickle cell disease on the body as you get older. The talk is in an audio format to maintain confidentiality of the attendees.
Title: A talk on hydroxyurea in sickle cell disease by Dr Kate Gardner
The following talk on hydroxyurea in sickle cell disease was presented by Dr Kate Gardner (Consultant Haematologist) in the sickle cell support group at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital on 17th of June 2021. Dr Gardner talks about how hydroxyurea can be used to treat people living with sickle cell disease. Please note that the talk is in an audio format to maintain confidentiality of the attendees.
Title: A talk on stroke in sickle cell disease by Dr Kate Gardner
The following talk on stroke in sickle cell disease was presented by Dr Kate Gardner (Consultant Haematologist) in the sickle cell support group at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital on 27th of May 2021. Dr Gardner talks about how stroke can be caused in a person living with sickle cell disease. Please note that the talk is in an audio format to maintain confidentiality of the attendees.