Welcome to the South Thames Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Network
Formerly known as STSTN, here in SELSEHCC our goal is to improve patient experience by offering better treatment outcomes for people with sickle cell disease and thalassaemia as well as equitable access to expert clinical care
Because Sickle Cell affects you in so many ways we're here to offer our support. You'll find all the resources you need here, as well as information on any important upcoming events
Our Support Extends from Childhood to Adulthood
Living with Sickle Cell or knowing someone with SC can be tremendously challenging, so you need accurate information from some of the best doctors in the country. From new, innovative therapies like crizanlizumab to guidelines for adults and children we have all the knowledge you need.
Patients with SC are extremely vulnerable and may need to get transfusions for a variety of reasons. There's a pressing need in the Black community for more donors. Register to give blood today.
"Criz" is a monoclonal antibody medication given intravenously to patients with SC aged 16+. It reduces hospital admissions for sickle cell crises and is usually used alongside Hydroxyurea/hydroxycarbamide.