Subarna Chakravorty
Consultant Paediatric Haematologist
4th Floor, Hambledon Wing West
Kings College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London, SE5 9RS
Direct line: 020 3299 4089
Secretary: 020 3299 3773
Dr Subarna Chakravorty is a Paediatric Haematologist with a special interest in red cell disorders. She joined the red cell team at King’s College Hospital in July 2015. Prior to her appointment at King’s, Subarna led the Paediatric Haemoglobinopathy team at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust for 5 years, where she was also involved in the bone marrow transplant programme for paediatric sickle cell disease and thalassaemia.
Subarna was the Paediatric deputy lead for the National Haemoglobinopathy Peer Review for 2015-2016 and is a member of the National forum for Haemoglobin disorders. Subarna also led the ‘Sickle Cell Early Years Theme’ of the ‘Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care’ (CLAHRC) in North West London and with her team developed a validated patient experience tool for Sickle Cell disease with funding from the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) and the Roald Dahl Marvellous Children’s Charity. Subarna is currently serving as Chair of the NHS England London Region Haemoglobinopathies Forum.
Subarna is interested in adolescent health and has been involved in a number of patient engagement projects with young people with haemoglobin disorders, which has led to the development of mobile phone ‘apps’ and self-help programmes.
Subarna is also interested in clinical and molecular research in sickle cell disease and in involved in a number of scientific projects at King’s and Imperial College London.