Dr Jenna Love

TelJenna cropped: 020 8266 6545 or 07798 581198

Email: SCDpain@stegorges.nhs.uk

Website: tinyurl.com/SCDpain 

Twitter: @PMPRed

Instagram and Facebook: Red Cell Pain

Dr Jenna Love provides a psychology service to the red cell pain management service (RCPMS), including individual sessions and facilitating pain management group programmes. She is the clinical lead and therefore co-ordinates the work of the other members of the team, as well as being involved in teaching and research. She also manages the psychology service for haemoglobinopathies and provides some individual sessions for people living with sickle cell and thalassaemia who have associated psychological difficulties.

Dr Jenna Love completed her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London and her undergraduate degree and masters at the University of Liverpool.  She has worked as a clinical psychologist in a range of different physical health settings including pain management, neuropsychology (working with people who have had strokes, head injuries, and other neurological conditions) and audiology (including hearing loss, tinnitus and balance problems), before coming to St George’s Hospital in 2013.

Red Cell Pain Management Service (RCPMS)

The Red Cell Pain Management Service has been in existence at St George’s Hospital since 2013. Its remit is to provide specialist pain management services to people 16 years of age and over who have a Red Cell Disorder (predominantly sickle cell disease). It is currently run by Dr Jenna Love (Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Lead), Mr Luke Abnett (Specialist physiotherapist, who is maternity leave cover for Rebecca McLoughlin, specialist physiotherpaist) and Dr Oliver Seyfried, Consultant in Pain Medicine. Services provided include a specialist pain management programme, an exercise group, individual physiotherapy and psychology and medical clinics.


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