Dr Barnaby Clark (PhD) is currently a Principal Clinical Scientist at King’s College Hospital and Honorary Senior Lecturer with King’s College London University.
His post-doctoral studies included the genetic mapping of trans-acting factors affecting elevated levels of HbF before taking a more clinical role in the Prenatal Diagnosis Laboratory at Kings College Hospital. He has been a member of the laboratory subcommittee for the National Programme for Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia for three years providing advice on issues affecting prenatal testing. Teaching mainly involves the laboratory diagnosis of Haemoglobinopathies, being part of the PEGASUS counsellors’ course as well as the update training of more experienced counsellors. Within Kings he is also involved with teaching junior doctors and contributes to the annual STSN teaching day. His research is focused on the non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of thalassaemia and sickle cell disease and currently has a PhD student working with him.