New App for Children & Families Affected by Sickle Cell

Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity have just released a new app designed for children and families affected by sickle cell disease. The app, ‘Little George and the Dragon’, is a creative way of explaining sickle cell to children aged five to ten in a gentle and accessible manner. Families visit Waggle Avenue and follow Little George as he learns how to manage his pain with help from his Mum and his friend Dragon.

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Credit: Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity

Accompanying the app is a book and together they form part of a comprehensive educational package for children and families. Education is a vital element of managing sickle cell and the project was launched to address the lack of available resources.

The app and accompanying book was inspired by children at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and funded in conjunction with The Burdett Trust for Nursing, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and multi-media charity Twin Vision.

Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity have already found that Little George and the Dragon has been beneficial for many families. The interactive nature of the resources in particular has proven to be an effective way of accessing and understanding sometimes difficult information.

Giselle Padmore-Payne, Roald Dahl Transition CNS at King’s College Hospital, had this to say about the app:

‘Today’s society revolves around technology; the ‘Little George and the Dragon’ app is a fantastic approach to engage children and their families in a captivating and interesting way, enabling them to learn about sickle cell disease and how to apply some preventative treatments and methods. This app assists them with day to day living using a realistic and holistic approach. As part of the Roald Dahl Marvellous Children’s Charity network  of nurses, I am extremely proud that my colleagues at Alder Hey Children’s hospital have created such as an innovative, useful  and easy to use app. The app can be downloaded from App store or via Samsung. Well done Team !!!!!’

To download the app, search ‘Little George App’ and email: to find out how you can get a copy of the book. You can find out more about Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity and the work they do on their website.

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