Find out more at Education programs in the community that will energize the creativity of every community member from the youngest to the oldest, including neglected groups such as teenagers, senior citizens, prisoners, immigrants, and drug addicts. There are similar differences among people in different types of communities in views of allowing teachers and school officials to carry guns in K-12 schools. Prison Conditions, Prisoner Treatment and Parolees. While HIV drug treatment regimens have saved lives, some people suffer from debilitating side effects where quality of life is poor. Instead, the focus on employers must be to vigorously enforce our wage and labor laws. We must maintain a viable American military force, prudent foreign policy doctrines, and readiness strategies that take into . Repeal the misnamed Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 in order to restore Chapter 7 bankruptcy as a viable final safety net for consumers caught by health crises, unaffordable mortgages, credit card debts and student loans. Drug corporations have a strong profit motive to encourage for medical management of those with HIV by using medication that keeps the virus from being detected in the blood. This cumbersome immigration process along with unreasonable Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and lawyers fees must be streamlined. The following proposals may not yield perfect answers, but they provide better answers than the status quo. Teach non-violent conflict resolution and humane education at all levels of education. International cooperation and solidarity among labor organizations, to advance the rights of labor and raise such living standards globally, are essential to combat this trend. Many times applications are denied because the applicant submitted forms for the incorrect category and cause them to lose all filing fees paid up to that point (no refunds.) Enforce corrective justice, ensuring the rights of communities and local agencies to seek judicial redress. ICEs mission, To protect America from cross border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety. Principles of Management 100% (6) 23. The Green Party is unalterably opposed to the dissolution of public schools and the privatization of education. U.S. imperialism; a policy of extending a countrys power and influence through diplomacy or military force, and colonialism; the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, economic exploitation, unfair trade policies, economic sanctions, unequal distribution of assets, increase in violence, and climate change have caused many of the worlds citizens to migrate for better opportunities. Immigrant workers allow important sectors of the economy to expand, attract investment and create employment opportunities for native-born Americans, contribute more in tax revenue than they collect, reduce American firms incentives to offshore jobs and import foreign-produced goods, and benefit consumers by reducing the prices of goods and services. Then, 52% said it was more important to protect gun rights, compared with 46% who said it was more important to control gun ownership. Our current situation has created extreme social injustice. No more than about half of gun owners support any of these policies. As in the past, a number of specific gun policy proposals draw extensive public support. Ensure prison conditions are humane and sanitary, including but are limited to heat, light, exercise, clothing, nutrition, libraries, possessions, and personal safety. Protect whistle blowers against demotion, job loss, and other forms of retaliation. Reduce the prison population, invest in rehabilitation, and end the failed war on drugs. We must keep faith with our commitment to the United Nations, to assist in the resettlement, including to our own country, of refugees currently stranded in refugee camps in other parts of the world. We recognize both the sovereignty of Native American tribal governments and the Federal Government's trust obligation to Native American people. Encourage voter registration and voter participation among homeless people. Some who said people should be able to carry guns most, but not all, places were asked what are some of the places people should not be able to legally carry guns? Many mentioned crowded public places, schools, movie theaters and places that serve alcohol. We commit to full and complete reparations to the African American community of this nation for the past four hundred plus years of genocide, slavery, land-loss, destruction of original identity and the stark disparities which haunt the present evidenced in unemployment statistics, substandard and inadequate education, higher levels of mortality including infant and maternal mortality and the practice of mass incarceration. Those living in the industrialized world must end the habits of waste and over-consumption that place as much stress on the environment as does population growth in developing nations. arget="_blank"">. Educate homeless people about their right to vote. Greens believe in education, not indoctrination. Libertarian Party Green Party Reform Party Natural Law Party Tea Party Constitution Party Former Presidents: Barack Obama(D,2009-2017) George W. Bush(R,2001-2009) Bill Clinton(D,1993-2001) George Bush Sr.(R,1989-1993) Ronald Reagan(R,1981-1989) Grant amnesty and release from confinement without any further parole or probation, those who have been incarcerated for the use, sale, or cultivation of marijuana in federal and state prisons and in county/city jails, and who otherwise are without convictions for victim oriented crimes, or who do not require treatment for abuse of hard drugs. Any discussion of population must also be a discussion of women throughout the world. We support efforts to broadly reform the Bureau of Indian Affairs to make this vast agency more responsible and more responsive to tribal governments. Contraception and abortion must be included in all health insurance policies in the U.S., and any state government must be able to legally offer these services free of charge to women at the poverty level. Clinics must be accessible and must offer advice on contraception and the means for contraception; consultation about abortion and the performance of abortions, and; abortion regardless of age or marital status. Set aside a share of public-sector jobs for homeless people who are able to work. Prevent homelessness before it occurs by addressing its structural causes, through raising the income floor under the working poor, creating living-wage jobs, providing job training and education that will enable low-wage workers to obtain living-wage jobs, preserving and expanding affordable housing, providing affordable health care, ensuring sufficient mental health care and substance abuse services, availability of healthy food and providing effective, holistic assistance that connects vulnerable individuals with sources of income and essential services. high school equivalency diploma) and higher education. The Green Party supports the ratification of the United Nations Convention on Rights for Persons with Disabilities as well as the Optional Protocol. 1, 2019, Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 YearsMervosh, Sarah. A publicly funded health care insurance program, administered at the state and local levels, with comprehensive lifetime benefits, including dental, vision, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, medication coverage, and hospice and long-term care; Participation of all licensed and/or certified health providers, subject to standards of practice in their field, with the freedom of patients to choose the type of health care provider from a wide range of health care choices, and with decision-making in the hands of patients and their health providers, not insurance companies; Portability of coverage regardless of geographical location or employment; Cost controls via streamlined administration, national fee schedules, bulk purchases of drugs and medical equipment, coordination of capital expenditures and publicly negotiated prices of medications; Primary and preventive care as priorities, including wellness education about diet, nutrition and exercise; holistic health; and medical marijuana. U.S. imperialism; a policy of extending a countrys power and influence through diplomacy or military force, and colonialism; the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, economic exploitation, unfair trade policies, economic sanctions, unequal distribution of assets, increase in violence, and climate change have caused many of the worlds citizens to migrate for better opportunities. No source in existence knows which forms of prostitution comprise forced sex and which comprise free will or choice prostitution. The mentally ill are people with serious mental problems who often need social support networks. And while 37% of Republican gun owners say gun laws should be less strict, only 24% of Republican non-gun owners say the same. The Green Party unequivocally supports a woman's right to reproductive choice, no matter her marital status or age, and that contraception and safe, legal abortion procedures be available on demand and be included in all health insurance coverage in the US, as well as free of charge in any state where a woman's income falls below the poverty level. Similarly, Democrats are less supportive overall, but Democratic gun owners give these proposals somewhat more support than Democrats who dont own guns. Inadequate environmental laws, lax enforcement, and weak penalties for environmental violations undermine environmental integrity, public health and civil rights. Among Republicans who do not own guns and Democratic gun owners and non-gun owners each of these proposals draws majority support. Provide free college tuition to all qualified students at public universities and vocational schools. The Green Party demands justice for Kanaka Maoli. Given these factors, in order for Americas schools to truly become effective in teaching our students to think critically and to respond to life challenges, districts, schools and teachers must develop a new consciousness toward students that includes cultural competency, the understanding of the impact of poverty on school performance, asset-based engagement and how to create stable, nurturing school environments that will help students thrive and succeed. Responsible choices of non-toxic, renewable, or recyclable materials. Proposals for easing gun laws draw much less support. Increase compensation for jurors and provide childcare for those serving jury duty. The Green Party's agenda for gun control laws includes a requirement that all purchasers of firearms attend a gun safety and first aid course; basic competency and mental hygiene for firearm purchasers; a moratorium on gun sales following any mass shooting that has gained national prominence the "copycat window"; and a ban on assault . What critics say about gun control. We oppose the provision of current law which allows local police to become agents of the immigration agency. It is clear that we cannot rely on the rich to regulate their profit-making excesses for the good of society through "trickle-down economics." Release prisoners who are too old and/or infirm to pose a threat to society to less expensive, community-based facilities. Ensure that public assistance is enough to allow recipients to afford a roof over their head. We support the establishment of a 4-day work week with no cut in pay and at least one month of paid vacation per year for all workers. Insist that the military halt the practice of testing experimental medicines and inoculations on service members without their consent. The New York Time, Aug. 2, 2019, Dayton, Ohio, Shooting: 9 Dead; Live UpdatesWilliam, Timothy, Farah Stockman. Teach all students about white supremacy and intersectionality. More comprehensive services for those who have special needs, including the mentally ill, the differently abled and those who are terminally ill; A mental health care system that safeguards human dignity, respects individual autonomy, and protects informed consent; Greatly reduced paperwork for both patients and providers; Fair and full reimbursement to providers for their services; Hospitals that can afford safe and adequate staffinglevels of registered nurses; Establishment of national, state, and local health policy boards consisting of health consumers and providers to oversee and evaluate the performance of the system, ensure access to care, and help determine research priorities; and. On several issues, there are wide differences between Republican and Democratic gun owners and even larger differences between members of both parties who do not own guns. It is founded on two fundamental beliefs: that all people have the right to live, work, learn, and play in safe and healthful environments; and that people have the right to influence decisions that affect environmental quality in their communities. must end. Until the power of the multinationals is curbed, we will continue to be confronted with seemingly no win choices.When the government has the power to deny legal rights and due process to one vulnerable group, everyones rights are at risk. that have assumed the responsibility of storing these vital records. The establishment of non-profit public forums for local artists to display their talents and creations. This cumbersome immigration process along with unreasonable Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and lawyers fees must be streamlined. We support stronger legislation, programs and enforcement. It is already invading our privacy. We call for equal representation of women in Congress instead of the current 17% in 2012. Racist policies must be abolished. We emphasize that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them. The Green Party in New York as well as nationally, has long advocated for stricter gun control laws while highlighting the need to address a wider scope of issues such as lack of access to mental health services, income inequality and discrimination based on race, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation. With the extreme pay inequity, single mothers cannot afford child care, nurture their children, and move out of poverty. Ending the use of religion as a justification to deny children necessary medical care or subject them to physical and emotional abuse. We support and urge enforcement of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (HR 3244) signed into law on October 28, 2000. She connected gun violence with economic disparity. Does the Green Party . Additionally, the partys platform seeks an extension of background checks to all private sales of firearms. Views on gun policies also vary widely by the types of communities in which people live. People must be provided the means and support to protect themselves from all sexually transmitted and blood & body fluid borne diseases. We demand that the practice of deceiving prospective service recruits about the truth of their service contract be recognized as a fraudulent practice and sufficient grounds for revoking an enlistment contract. The Green Party supports single-payer universal health care and preventive care for all. Mainstream the differently abled. What type of ruleopen or closedwould the. We support the right of workers, without penalty, to inform other workers on the premises of a union being formed. We demand recognition of the sovereignty of indigenous nations whose territories cross national boundaries. Most people take a middle-ground approach on both questions: 35% say guns should be permitted in most places, while some places should be off-limits; another 28% say guns should be allowed in some places but not most places. There have been 32 mass shootings in the United States this year. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Minimum pensions for all workers, fully vested and portable, that do not reduce social security benefits. Americans also differ about who should be able to own guns, where guns should be legally permitted and what types of guns should be legally available. Humans have a unique responsibility for stewardship of the Earth. Environmental justice is the crossroads of environmental activism and the civil rights movement. Increase funding for rape and domestic violence prevention and education programs. Communities and local agencies must not be required to show or prove "intent to discriminate" to achieve redress for problems of disproportionate and/or racist environmental impacts. Peace and Freedom Party P.O. We must address all peoples humanitarian needs as we chart a course toward a less cumbersome pathway to citizenship.The Green Party stands firmly for social justice for all living in this country regardless of immigration status. We encourage cooperative ownership and management of enterprises. We also call attention to the results of a quarter century of corporate funding from the likes of the Bradley and Wal-Mart Family Foundations and a decade of No Child Left Behind and its repackaged new offspring, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)a vast, well-endowed and lucrative sector which seeks to dismantle, privatize, or militarize public education and destroy teachers unions. Greater differences emerge between owners and non-owners on the places guns should be allowed and what types of guns should be available. To improve our own health, we must improve the quality of our air, water and food and the health of our workplaces, homes and schools. Gun owners are more likely than non-gun owners to say they have ever contacted public officials to express their opinion on gun policy: 21% of owners say they have done this, including 9% who say they did so in the past 12 months, while only 12% of non-owners say they have ever done this. We believe that the ill-advised and illegal actions of the U.S. administration have unnecessarily put our troops in harm's way. Corporations receiving public subsidies must provide jobs that pay a living wage, observe basic workers' rights, and agree to affirmative action policies. Stevens is a party leader and views gun control as a top. The focus needs to be on providing adequate and accessible English language instruction and assistance. Some are forced to labor in agriculture, sweat shops, hotels, restaurants, domestic service and other forms of servitude. Many times applications are denied because the applicant submitted forms for the incorrect category and cause them to lose all filing fees paid up to that point (no refunds.) Above all, policy and law must be humane. Thoughtful, carefully considered gun control such as is contained in the Brady Bill (1993). The focus needs to be on providing adequate and accessible English language instruction and assistance. End ESSA's promotion of charter-friendly, unproven alternative teaching licensing and "credential mills" like Relay Graduate School of Education and others, that circumvent public oversight. These people are their own best advocates in securing their rights and for living in the social and economic mainstream. A3 - Thomas Green Case. These groups are divided on expanding concealed carry to more places and allowing teachers to carry guns in schools: about three-in-five Republicans non-owners favor them, compared with two-in-five Democratic owners a gap of about 20 percentage points on each. A similar share of Republican gun owners and non-owners say the NRA has the right amount of influence (67% of owners and 62% of non-owners). CANDIDATE SUMMARY Stein said, "We certainly need an assault weapons ban." She also called for regulations to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and individuals with mental illness. This Act authorizes funding for the prevention of trade in human beings and for protecting victims. Profits in privately run prisons are derived from understaffing, which severely reduces the acceptable care of inmates. The exact stance varies a great deal among the members of the party. Provide incarcerated individuals the right to vote by absentee ballot in the district of their domicile, and the right to vote during parole. Gun owners and non-gun owners hold different views about who should be able to legally own guns, where guns should legally be permitted, and what types of guns should be legally available. Fund public and non-profit tenant-related counseling and legal assistance for renters. Regulate and limit the legal conversion of existing affordable housing into hotels, motels and short-term vacation rentals and establish and enforce laws to prevent illegal conversions. Other proposals draw less support from both groups, though about half of gun owners (53%) favor shorter waiting periods on gun sales, compared with 29% of non-gun owners. The public is closely divided over whether it is more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns or to control gun ownership. Immigrant workers do not compete for jobs with current citizens and should not be punished for being victims of U.S. corporatist policies. Native American land and treaty rights often stand as the front line against government and multinational corporate attempts to plunder energy, mineral, timber, fish, and game resources; pollute water, air, and land in the service of the military; expand economically; and consume natural resources. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), local police, and for-profit/private prison corporations such as GEO Group and CoreCivic have taken advantage of the increase in anti-immigrant legislation and created a symbiotic relationship. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen who served during U.S. Wars in recent decades have been exposed to nuclear, chemical and possibly biological warfare agents. This will further intensify the human rights disaster our immigration policy has become, as well as seriously harm border ecosystems. Defend and expand cities' right to enact local rent control laws, including vacancy control/recontrol, that fit the needs of their communities. Funding for methods of peer education for sex workers and those who may share needles, and to supply them with condoms, dams, gloves, and needles & syringes. More than a third of Republicans who do not own guns (35%) support stricter gun laws in the U.S., compared with just 10% of Republican gun owners. Our tax code favors the wealthy. Lower the voting age to 16 for all elections to give young people the right to take part in deciding their future. Here at home, we must also promote the policies, as outlined in the Economy and Workers' Rights sections of this Platform, that can help us achieve a full employment economy at a living wage, including strictly enforcing and expanding the rights of all workers to form unions. Close the Private Gun Sale Loophole, Finally. Principles of Management 100% (14) 37. Permanent border passes to all citizens of Latin America and Canada whose identity can be traced and verified. Roughly two-thirds or more strongly favor all of these proposals. Increased funding for research focusing on a cure in addition to chronic disease management. Even fewer Americans support shortening waiting periods for buying guns legally (36%). December 7, 2021. Funds must be allocated for expanded scientific research into safer and more effective birth control techniques and devices. Gender critical or trans-exclusionary social theories such as the sex-based womens rights declaration are not recognized as radical inclusive feminism and will be opposed by the Green Party. Our current health care system lets tens of thousands of people die each year by excluding them from adequate care, while its exorbitant costs are crippling our economy. Preserve and expand product-labeling requirements to ensure that consumers are fully informed about the origin, ingredients, and ecological life cycle of all products, including animal testing, and the products organic, recycled, and genetically engineered content. Support for men and women in the armed forces must go far beyond the rhetoric used to discredit the peace movement in the U.S. today. This gap increases further among gun owners: About as many gun owners who want less strict laws (19%) have contacted officials in the last year as owners who want stricter laws have ever contacted officials (20%). Develop culturally-sensitive menus and provide opportunities for parents to assist in meal preparation. The Green Party views learning as a lifelong and life-affirming process to which all people should have access. Among those who do not currently own guns, about as many say they could see themselves owning a gun at some point as say they could never see themselves owning a gun. Both partisanship and gun ownership are key factors in attitudes about gun policies. Repeal laws that criminalize homelessness. We should challenge students with great works of literature, economics, philosophy, history, music, and the arts as regular academic subjects. These individuals must be prioritized to escape the intolerable conditions. According to Human Rights Watch, in all cases coercive tactics including deception, fraud, intimidation, isolation, threat and use of physical force, or debt bondage are used to control women. Flexible working schedules so employees can arrange their own time to deal with personal and family concerns. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. End all standardized testing and instead redirect the millions of funds allocated toward prep, materials, support, etc. Gun control advocates hold signs during a protest at Discovery Green across from the National Rifle Association Annual Meeting at the George R . Undocumented immigrants who are already residing and working in the United States, and their families, should be granted legal status which allows a pathway to citizenship. This admission of crime states in part, "the native Hawaiians have never lost their inherent sovereignty nor their national home base.". Extend background checks to all private sales of firearms. We urge that the term "domestic violence" be replaced by the term "violence," because "domestic violence" is not perceived as real violence, which leads to it not being treated legally and practically for the violence that it is. Incorporate mental health and social services in bail agreements. The New YOrk Times, Aug. 4, 2019, The House passed 2 gun control bills, but Democrats arent in a rush to do moreMcPherson, Lindsey. These proposals draw support from less than 40% of people who do not own guns. An unjust society is an unsustainable society. Support a transparent and democratic conscientious objection process free of harassment, imprisonment, or deployment to war zones for conscientious objectors. At the same time those who are not housed for example, the homeless are often hounded, threatened, and often cannot obtain badly needed services. Provide the option for drug treatment to those leaving confinement. We recognize that this would be impractical without reciprocity between nations. Abolish mandatory sentencing. Support increased funding for additional clinics to provide services which now are too often delayed or denied throughout the Veterans Affairs system because of over crowding and budget constraints. Current Medicaid policy forces many challenged people to live in costly state-funded institutions. 12 stats to help inform the gun control debate. The gap between the two parties has increased significantly since 2000, when there was an 18-percentage-point gap between Republicans and Democrats. Instead, the focus on employers must be to vigorously enforce our wage and labor laws. No registration of guns or ammunition We oppose attempts to prohibit ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens and stand against all laws which would require the registration of guns or ammunition. For instance, only about a quarter of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents (26%) support allowing people to carry concealed guns in more places, compared with 72% of Republicans and Republican leaners.
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