Any suggestions for modifying the macro to remove that problem? Unfortunately, this method causes Fox to emote every single time you start to cast the shot. I say get their attention! hey thx for the macros. I also have one similar to your own that I use when I am jumped, and again I use the absorb trinket to help against the second blow better late than never. /cast bestial wrath Our priority always remains the same, but you need the ability to manage your shot cycle manually dont let a macro do this for you. Thanks very much! I am not a mocker. or In footage shared to TikTok by an account called . /cast Deterrence One TikTok user, Bob The Drag Queen, wrote: "You just confirmed ALL of his fears. Please head over to for more accurate and up-to-date game information. They are simple to macro but might help some folks new to marks. i click everything with my mouse n it gets aggravating after a while so if there is a macro to help pls let me know my rotation is huntersmak, pop trinket, rapid fire, silencing shot , arcane arcane arcane , steady steady steady, then i ussualy use arcane until my kill shot is ready then i use that. Usage: This will whisper your tank every time you change focus targets; feel free to change the message to something witty. I havent been served with one yet, so Im guessing no. Black Arrow I went ahead and edited all of the .lua files in the saved variables folders /equipset /use 13 Yeah, Im still working on my UI, and forgot buff frames >.< I was using a suite from WoWInterface, and although it was great, it didn't particularly suit my needs. Ive a presentation next week, and Im at You dont want to use Bestial wrath with haste c/ds even to put them on c/d that is a dps loss. So this really helps to put together a few key macros to have to help me out so I dont let my friends down. I love the scatter shot macro. 5 5 comments Best Add a Comment Moldy_Gecko 2 yr. ago Should work. /cast rabid However, as you wish to use on a focused enemy, you could try: /castsequence reset=3 Arcane Shot, [@focus,harm,exists][@target,harm,nodead] Tranquilizing Shot, [@target,exists] Arcane Shot, [@target,exists] Arcane Shot I want my pet to attack and dash to the mob i mouseover. /cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix(Talent) But i couldn't find a way to combine that with a mouseover condition in order to avoid the click on the position. /cast Kill Command please do give me credit for this macro You only have to do this once, until you want to change the focus to a different player. /use 14 # if you have an on-use trinket. /use [mod:alt]Disengage; [target=pettarget, exists] Kill Command The following is my Misdirect macro in the new style of macro commands. /startattack This little mechanic was added in 3.1 to prevent engineers from gaining an unfair burst advantage in arena. If someone could help with suggestions please help. I tired using this macro: but the mark doesnt apper on the target but my pet does attack. I have a certain key I always press to pet mend. /cast kill command /cast [nopet,nomod] Call Pet 3 If you are a button pusher then put the main ability you want to use on Button 1 and a less used ability on button 2. . /cast Wing Clip Example: Scatter Shot.. then Pallys Hammer of Justice.. try a freeze trap or Wyvern Sting (be aware Wyvern leaves a dot that can break many CCs including Scatter, Freeze Trap, Blind, etc..) all the while DPSing the original target! Thats a good idea. All this does is visual, otherwise it works like a normal spell press. @mouseover Target your mouseover target. Ooops my notation for any mount was blanked out because I used angle brackets around it. /castsequence resrt=7 !trap launcher, explosive trap. #show The first 2 lines work, but it doesnt go back into AotH. Hey Gar, If your pet is currently not alive it will make sure to cast Raise Dead first. Ive enabled comments on this page, so if you have any suggestions for macros I should consider adding to this list, then enter them as a comment. Every time a CD is up, its going off. /cast Explosive trap . I completed over 60 matches on Monday and my pet was killed in only one of them. Macro itself will target the mouseover in order to cast Soulstone /cast Call of the Wild It works great against big mobs. If you hold ctrl, call pet in stable slot 4. Explosive Shot PS: i do my 2s with a elemental shaman..Any tips u could offer us!? 16 = ranged / main hand /cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command It is extremely As a Feral Druid I usually use the macro in this fashion: #showtooltip /cast disengage alguien sabe? /castsequence [mod:alt] reset=3 Trap Launcher,!Ice Trap /cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix(Talent) Blood Fury is a powerful DPS boost that is best used when combined with other burst abilities such as Bestial Wrath, Trueshot or Coordinated Assault, like this: The Trolls Berserking racial is another great DPS cooldown. At any rate, at least now Ive hidden the details concerning the pile of gold Im sitting on, as well as the kings bounty stored across all of my bank vaults. The other melee macro that combines raptor and mongoose is ok too, but hunters have become less and less viable in melee range, making that almost obsolete. Which ever trinket is located in that equipment slot, will be the one thats used in the macro. /cast Barrage. /cast Explosive Shot These macros allow you to bind a spell from each pet to the same bind. /use Cataclysmic Gladiators Badge of Conquest, a cobra shot macro that switchs to fox to cast then uses cobra shot, #showtooltip Hunters Mark This works fine if Cheetah is up but if Hawk is up, it removes it and leaves no Aspect active. Some of the races in WoW have traits that can provide more powerful benefits or have some added use and versatility when placed in a macro. I cant seem to get him to target me if no player exists to target. Nope. and then spam the button for 1sec? /petattack This has been a really wonderful article. I ended up shelving it for another time. Thats how much additional AP Careful Aim is giving you. So it would read correctly. You can do the same thing Aspect of Fox, but it isnt recommended: /cast !Aspect of the Fox /run for i=1,GetNumTrackingTypes() do local n, t, a, c = GetTrackingInfo(i); if string.find(n, UnitCreatureType(target)) then if t~=GetTrackingTexture(i) then SetTracking(i); end end end /use 13 Use the trinket in your top trinket slot, /use 14 Use the trinket in your bottom trinket slot. I got all things covered in one macro (bestial wrath+rapid fire+Kill command+Any other use trinkys) like pulling my pet out after using this..would wasting everything :X Serpent Sting, Steady Shot (to fill gaps). They have always been able to fit me in for a same-day appointment any time I have a concern about any of my animals, no matter what. /cast [target=player] Masters Call /cast Rapid fire This macro makes it simple to control your pet with a single button. Escape Macro. It may piss some players off. /showtooltip Rapid Fire Try Sry that question, we tried it with 2 people 3 hours and it wont work so we give up. Also make macroes for banishing/fearing/curse of tongues on focus/mouseover, once you learn when to use it. Ill post it here, What Im looking to do is to see if it can be revamped. /cast Hunters Mark A: Of course. I currently have a crab, raptor, dog, and turtle, and swapped out all of the appropriate titles in the macro. *This will not you are holding a modifier*. the Seduction target, is alive, it will re-seduce it, regardless of what your current target is. on Assist is the preferred way to play. His tips gave me a great boost in DPS by eliminating lulls in my dps cycle by binding offensive skills to secondary or tertiatry abilities. Hunters Mark will work in a macro when combined with any abilities or commands not on the GCD. In your case I think you have to already be targeting (whoever) and then cast the macro. If not, just read on and Im sure youll start to understand once you see them in the context of the various macros. /use 13 Make sure you hold down the shift key if youre pet is not in LoS. Traps share the same GCD as Disengage. A lot of other webs should take note!! but i cant disengage is this a bug or something im doing wrong, these are the macros i use for assist and misdirection, /assist [target=focus,help,nodead] focus; [target=pet, exists] playerpet If you have a tank set to focus, itll MD on the tank, if youre farming, itll auto MD on your pet. /cast !Auto Shot . Heya Garwulf been a while since i posted, moved, got new job all the usual stuff, just checking to see if you had posted a new mount macro. /cast [target=focustarget, help] Misdirection I have a problem. I know this is probably possible with Raptor Strike since it works off your next melee and I saw the macro for Wing Clip and Disengage which is helpful. I looked into the issue with the extraneous __MACOSX folder which appears to PC users, and have found a piece of 3rd party softer to remove it. /cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:ctrl] Revive Pet; Mend Pet. /cast Quaking Palm . /petattack #showtooltip Mend Pet /run for i=1,GetNumTrackingTypes() do local n, t, a, c = GetTrackingInfo(i); if string.find(n, UnitCreatureType(target)) then if t~=GetTrackingTexture(i) then SetTracking(i); end end end Hehe thnx for replying #showtooltip /use Healthstone /cast Hunters Mark I think it was when you shot kill shot you can type in Auto Shot in it and it did shot a kill shot plus auta shot and it wasent on the Auto Shot cooldown. This macro will command your pet to use its Claw ability on its current target everytime you want to use Scourge Strike. You can mouseover a target and press the alt modifier to set it in focus. For anyone like me, missing mouse over macros for healing here is something that seems to . Just use this same button to fish when your lure buff expires, the macro will immediately know to reapply a new lure. *comes up for air* It does revive and mend pet, But won,t call it if it s not out..any recs for me? Ive been playing for a little over 2 years, but Ive just been starting to use macros lately. The all in one pet ability macro isnt working for me. I made this using an older Hunter macro while in IF testing out rotations to find a steady shot rotation that wouldn't starve for focus while maintaining a solid DPS. on internet I found this web page as a most excellent site for newest updates. 6. The most important equipment slots to remember are: Adding an equipslot # to your macro will activate the respective on-use trinket. Glad you are enjoying the site. mainly for dungeons rather than having to click tab then 2 for every target. Hmmm, By change races, do you mean switch tracking? Ah, well. I would have thought [harm,nodead] would be the conditional to use. /cast [modifier:shift][target=shamansnamehere,help] Masters Call You could bind Steady Shot to your scroll wheel and use it that way if you wanted. #showtooltip Arcane Shot /cast Hunters Mark /castsequence - casts spells in a determined order. /cast hunters mark, Looking to cast Hunters Mark and have pet attack unless shift is held down then just cast Hunters Mark, This is the best Macro Collection I have found PERIOD! This macro will use a Healthstone if you have one, or a healing potion if you do not. Are there any macros that help switching targets in a boss fight? /cast [stance] [modifier:alt] Aspect of the Pack;[noflyable,nomounted][button:2,nomounted] Great Blue Elekk;[flyable,nomounted]Swift Purple Gryphon /cast Steady Shot or /cast Cobra Shot. Rather than having a key that issues a default attack based upon range, you should be working your ass off trying to get range. (There is no range conditional available in maro commands.). A: Macros are simple scripts that allow you to combine multiple abilities, tasks and conditionals into one action bar slot. /petattack [button:2] /cast *Shot/Sting Name*, I like to include mend pet at the beginning of my castsequence macros that involve pet contribution. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Demonology Warlock in World of Warcraft Dragonflight 10.0.7. Why? /dismount [mounted] I am running BM in areans this is new to me and have ran MM for 3 years I really like BM and love my spirit beast team so can you please let me know if there are any more pvp macros that will help me dps my BM to the max? Great stuff! Quite a bit of setup is required. Im glad you pointed that out. Myself, Im a bit of a purist, when it comes to config files the simpler they are, the better I can understand them (and re-use the relevant sections). FAQs accurate early in the patch. I followed the WoWInterface packaging instructions to the letter, even going a step further and omitting my from the package. [@mouseover,exists,pet:succubus][@target,pet:succubus]Seduction. If theres a simple way to remove those old settings, Ill gladly run through and tidy things up. TidyPlates aren't quite as customizable or accurate as KUI, but they are If this is possible could you please help me? The first one What could I be doing wrong? Just made this one combining one of yours with my idea. 9 = wrist If you use a Cunning pet, spec into Bullheaded. Other wise youll have to already be targeting something and hit the macro /targetenemy [noharm] [dead] Heart of the Rhino + Spirit Bond + Glyph of Mend Pet is awesome. /use [nocombat,nomounted,nomodifier,nobutton:2,flyable]Albino Drake; I took my explosive trap icon ability out of my bars and it stopped working, when I put it back on one of my action bars, it started working again. It shares a CD w/ Explosive and does far less damage. It pops all of my possible CDs with ever use of a Shot or Sting. They are also come standard with the AddOn, they are a little limited and occasionally /startattack But sometimes they kill my shaman is 3 seconds. The first macro is: can someone help me out. example, you can easily configure the nameplates to enlarge and change color Then there is the Zip-file: it contains two folder trees, that look very similar, GarUI and __MACOSX. Just learn your priority and practice it. These macros will be useful no matter your hunter spec or your playstyle. Watch your focus bar next time you go to use it, then use Trap Launcher separately youll see what I mean. Something must have changed recently, but I havent been on enough lately to notice it failing. in front of the various mounting macros. it on your current target. Examples. is a more heavyweight damage meter, taking up quite a bit of Best Damn WoW Hunter Macro Collection on the Web The newest I found this site last week and its amazing! Its not possible to script a macro to intelligently cast those shots, nor would you want to do it that way. /cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:ctrl] Revive Pet; Mend Pet. i tryed this: Note: Basic pet attacks dont consistently go off when their 3 second cooldown is up, so its advisable to bake in the following basic pet attacks below with other Hunter offensive abilities. Not only One press will hurl a Freezing Trap at your cursors location. I just started a hunter, and I like to do my research before leveling and PvPing, and this has been a wonderful resource! Caren, I dont agree with the the wyvern sting macro because you can cast it. Any ideas on how to get a cycling target enemy macro to cast HM? targeting reticle. /castsequence [flyable] Albino Drake, Bronze Drake, Green Proto-Drake, Argent Hippogryph, Turbo-Charged Flying Machine; [noflyable] Venomhide Ravasaur, Black War Bear, White War Talbuk, Cobalt Riding Talbuk, Swift Zhevra. I am very new to macro writing (but have played WoW with differing degrees of seriousness for nearly 5 years) and this may therefore be a dumb question. I just removed it. otherwise on your current target. /cast Aspect of the Cheetah. If possible, help would be appreciated. /cast [@focus,help][@focustarget,help][@target,help][@targettarget,help][@pet,nodead,exists] Misdirection. The only problem is I have to jump before hand (flexweave doesnt activate when you on the ground). Hunters Mark and Concussive Shot are both on the global cooldown, therefore you cant macro them together. Just press shift for water walker, control for mammoth, or regular click for flying/land mount. In this case, youll get your trinket + Rapid Fire + Rabid + Stampede, but since Stampede, DB, AMoC and CS all share the GCD, only the first one will go off which is Stampede. If you put your pet in defence mod, your pet will come back to target fter killing totem. I think that the shot-macros can be improved: #showtooltip Some Shot Can you help me, have been trying to get your anti-Druid/Rogue macro to work although its not casting hunters mark for some reason. /cast [target=pettarget,harm] lighting breath but so do addons, for which reason we recommend that you also read our Warlock Addons /cast spell name. /cast Silencing Shot Some of those files were LARGE. Note that Intimidation also stuns the opponent. I play a BM/survival hunter in arenas..But the Main problem in playin a BM hunter is they kill my pet Fast:S!! With the information provided here I was able to make a few combined macros. This means you cant trigger any two of them together in a macro, in any order. Mobs, and most of the time, players will pop up here and there sometimes hunting you down other times they just happen to cross your screen. /cast [target=targettarget, help] Misdirection For some reason, /castsequence Welcome to our Macros guide for Warlocks where you will find out what the best This also works for Unholy DKs and Warlocks, so here are example macros. /cast Hunters Mark SV and MM hunters dont have to worry about pet survivability quite as much, because their pets are used more for situational abilities, plus if they die, they dont lose a huge chunk of DPS or any spec defining abilities. The macro is great for pulling out stealthies! when a target reaches a certain percentage of health, which can be very Hi Samuel While this is not an exhaustive list of all possible / useful macros, we will Depending on the talent selected Mortal Coil will be casted on Then this guide will be the best macro material on the internet! /dismount [mounted,noflying] Sorry for bad english I hope you understood it. I make sure I have a way of quickly canceling out both of these spells if necessary, in the event that I need to cast a crucial attack against an opponent. The list contains macros that are applicable to all builds and play styles, as well as talent-specific, PvP oriented, engineering-only, racial abilities, and other miscellaneous macros. /cast [@focus,harm][mod:shift] Scatter Shot; [@focus,harm] Silencing Shot. Not correcting you, you say you already use it, I just want to understand your logic. _____________________________________________________, #showtooltip Cobra Shot Otherwise, call pet in stable slot 1. Careful Aim boosts attack power based on total intellect, not mana. Serpent Sting However, I notice you use a Bang ! in from of the Freeze. The one I use is: in this case for arcturis The large animal, also known as an Alsatian, even reached national hero status when they were used to search for and rescue people in the ruins of the World Trade Center in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. . You got something to be proud of. Can someone tell me, is there mayby a way to cast this following shots in a row, one after one?! /cast [nopet,nomod] Call Pet 5 /cast [btn:2,nocombat] feed pet Normally, if you cast Drain Life while already casting it, you would /cast Readiness Therefore if I make it into one bracket, the command wont execute unless I am targeting something that is BOTH hostile AND dead. Yup, thats where I got the idea as well /cast !Aspect of the Viper (or Beast, if you dont like being tracked) Each piece of gear that we wear is assigned a number, as follows: It stops because the GCD, u can only use various /cast in a macro, combing skills that dont share GCDs. martin county mn sheriff's office staff directory; adam carlyle taylor motorcycle accident Made it up by myself ^^ i always put master call up becuase the enemy charge me 90% of the time after ive disengage. Hi. Most of us are macroing kill command and silencing shot into other shots since they are off the gcd. If I have a different pet out, this will only work for mend pet, which is normal. I had one and deleted it unfortunately. However you can try: /cast !Aspect of the Hawk /petattack I havent checked if there are differences between the two trees, but off hand, you should be able to reduce the file size by more than 50% by deleting one of the trees and the *.bak files. Pet Attack/Return Simple macro that will send your pet to attack on the first press and return it to you on the second press. If copying ours below, you can simply copy/paste the text in. it says it give an amount equal to 100% of your total mana. /cast Dive. Youre correct. On subsequent use this will cast Death Coil on yourself. Bombers, /use [known:Soul Strike,@cursor,harm] [known:Soul Strike] Soul /cast Stampede and thanks for all the great hunter info and macros! Using such a lengthy castsequence the player sacrifices much flexibility and the ability to adapt to the situation - he also has little to no control over levels of focus. /cast [target=pet, exists, nodead]Dismiss Pet;[target=pet, exists ,dead]Revive Pet Sometimes it will have the hunter target another target. ElvUI /cast Scourge Strike. Although this macro contains two skills, it works because one attacks instantly and the other attacks on the next melee swing. #showtooltip Hunters Mark Tab works great if there are only two types of mobs to switch between. default, making this a potentially good choice for players who have very This macro will first look for your focus target, then for a mouseover target if you have no focus target selected, then your current target if a focus and mouseover target are not available. Cast on mouseover or target. They always correctly display your If some one desires to be updated with most recent technologies afterward he must be go to see this site and be up /startattack. Be sure to change the type of food at the bottom of the macro to the name of the food you feed your pet. its activate while my mouse is over the the player model or the portrait player?? Q: All this macro stuff looks really great and all, but how can I start using them? Just practice your specs priority and youll soon find that using a single macro keypress would be detrimental anyway. Share your comments about this guide in our /cast Bestial Wrath Im glad youre finding the macros useful. Hunter's Mark will be cast on the target. Ill try to revisit the page again in the next week or so before I note that the page has truly been updated. displayed, or use it by default. This macro will cast Mend Pet when in combat and Feed Pet when out of combat. /cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet Only works if I split the two functions. /petattack [@focus] You pet will attack your focus target (Refer to the Compatibility Notes ). This would toggle between the two aspects, but always default to Hawk when no aspect is active. As long as you have a focus selected such as your main tank this macro will ensure that you hit whatever theyre hitting. /cast Kill Command Anyone have suggestions for Macro Sites that even come close for other classes? large transparent version of the ability in the center of your screen, For example, if you have an Ancient Petrified Seed equipped in your bottom trinket slot, you could macro it in with Bestial Wrath, like this: Now, lets say your PvP gear setup uses a Prideful Gladiators Badge of Conquest in the bottom trinket slot instead. Vanilla WoW Warlock Pet Macros. It seems like it should work if you spam it. Secondly, been enjoying the use of the following macro. This macro provides a little more control over your Spirit Beasts Spirit Mend ability. Can you confirm this? Sorry. Just set your tank as your focus, then use this macro: /assist Focus /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(). /showtooltip bestial wrath That way if you are in melee range you will melee attack and if you are ranged you will fire a shot. If your description is right, the macro should look like this The downside of this is youll be spamming yourself and your party with the aspect emote constantly. /use item:98061 /cast Disengage /cast Rapid Fire The only melee ability thats advisable to macro is Wing Clip with Disengage. You can easily configure what is /s Nabijam Ci AGGRO %F!!! could someone tell me where to get it or poet it here? /stopcasting The animal, who is sat nearby, immediately springs into action and begins loudly barking before biting the head of the hoover out of the man's hand. Finally, yes /targetenemyplayer is much better in PVP. I edited this page to reflect the proper macro, but here it is: /cleartarget ones do not. /cast Hunters Mark If so, you dont need to worry about that if you have the Talent Improved Tracking. Thanks for setting these page, its by far the best source of macros for Hunter on the net. i m not very fit in writing macros, only short ones. It is Not perfect, it does not optimize your DPS the way manually selecting a shot rotation would. #showtooltip It will not focus your current target, and seduce that; it will re-seduce it . Set the reset to 3 in case you are delayed getting your shot off for any reason. If you cant target the rogue quickly enough, this is basically a get out of jail free card. /use (trinket) Or script it so the the jump isnt needed? /cast roar of courage I just got on and made an adjustment to it. (and by /use not /Cast, aspects wont go off if it is allready on same aspect). /cast [pettarget,exists] Kill Command I like using macros when possible. When you activate it normally, your pet will attack your target (or your mouseover target). The /stopcasting ensures you never delay your silence if youre in the middle of casting another spell. #showtooltip *Shot/Sting Name* hmm..How much max can a bm hunter pet crit? /cast Misdirection Also, When I made this macro. You would have to place Arc Shot in the /castsequence line, but again dont do this. Here are some of the basic commands used when scripting macros: Inputting an item or a spell into a macro is very easily done by holding down shift while clicking on the spell or item icon in your skills tab or inventory. Of course the macro in itself is quite useless really but I just wanted to show you the core of it, if you are familiar with macros your can easily string up some useful abilities to it. No m8 it isnt working t he thing is he actually isnt switching like he is ignoring my command of my modifier i got it typed like this exactly at my macro page, #showtooltip For 30 seconds prior to their death, a complete timestamp of their The PvP Macros are awesome! If you hold alt, call pet in stable slot 5. /petattack. /use Runic Healing Potion. Back in WotLK I grew tired of having to rummage through my inventory each time I needed to use an item for a daily quest, so I created a macro that would cover all of the quest items Id need to use on a daily basis. However, that method cant come close to a players ability to make intelligent decisions on the fly, and is simply just a horrible way of doing things. i have tryed. Is there a way to bringt that all in one macro with that timings and auto shot !? The only thing you need to be aware of is your back facing the rogue. In your first new favorite macro, I didnt see /cast Hunters mark is there a reason for that, a conflict with the GCD? Happy hunting! Good luck on the next 100 rating. The Macro will allow you to have your most used traps all in 1 button and the button will change icon depending on what trap you are about to launch - it also requires press it twice to actually work - as doing it without /castsequence will make you pay energy twice for the Trap Launcher. These all add a simple /stopcasting command to ensure the interrupt is available when needed. I would disable the suspect addon(s) one at a time to determine the culprit. I have gained almost 2k dps using this site and still gaining. Ive also discovered that I really like being a hunter. The reason its best to have the trinket before the attack is so that your attack will benefit from the buff, rather than cast the attack then use the trinket. I recommend it for an easy one button mount solution. Ive been trying to do these but havent met with much success . . /cast Freezing Trap(Frost) or Ice Trap(Frost) I would macro it into all of your shots, especially since youll likely have macros for all of them anyway (Kill Command + Shot). If you dont want that to happen, just dont use that line. Note: There is a 10 second burst-ability cooldown that activates when using one of the engineering DPS items. /cast dismiss pet /use 15 /cast - casts a spell.