The Company believes such non-GAAP financial measures (1) provide useful information to investors regarding the underlying business trends and performance of the Companys ongoing operations, (2) are useful for period-over-period comparisons of such operations and results, that may be more easily compared to peer companies and allow investors a view of the Companys operating results excluding stock-based compensation expense and special items, (3) provide useful information to management and investors regarding present and future business trends, and (4) provide consistency and comparability with past reports and projections of future results. All rights reserved 19982023, Funny way to describe a company that makes toilet cleaner, ChatGPT is just the beginning: CISOs need to prepare for the next wave of AI-powered attacks, Reworked use of object storage changes footing with competitors but will need to convince devs, Calls time on interactions and services with customers, including state-owned bank Sberbank, Perpetual software and hardware licenses dive in Q4, consultancy withers on vine, State-owned Sberbank's software contracts under scrutiny, Teradata also sees wings clipped in ongoing battle with German ERP giant, On-prem systems hold advantages in terms of known costs, say insiders, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Business Transformation, Can Teradata avoid being grounded by on-prem legacy? The company has spent over $ 808M for the acquisitions. Christopher T. Lee However, as described below, the Company believes that certain non-GAAP measures such as non-GAAP earnings per diluted share, or EPS, and non-GAAP operating margin, which exclude certain items (as well as free cash flow) are useful for investors. Jennifer Donahue Teradata Highlights its New Strategy and Plan to Deliver Sustainable Growth and Value Creation Presents Long-Term Financial Growth Targets, Including More Than $1 Billion in Cloud Annual. Public cloud ARR increased by $79 million, or 176% from the prior year period, exceeding the outlook of at least 165% year-over-year (1) First-quarter recurring revenue of $372 million, an increase of 20% from the prior year period. More than $1 billion in Cloud ARR, representing over 50% in total ARR in fiscal 2025, Approximately $550 million free cash flow in fiscal 2025, Low 20% non-GAAP operating margin in fiscal 2025, Implementing a returns-based capital return program of at least 50% of free cash flow annually through fiscal 2025, At least 70% growth in Cloud ARR year-over-year, Non-GAAP diluted net earnings per share in the range of $1.60 to $1.70, Free cash flow of approximately $400 million, Public cloud ARR is expected to increase by at least 100% year-over-year, Total ARR is expected to grow at a mid-to-high-single-digit percentage year-over-year. The strength of our performance in 2021 is matched by our conviction to continue accelerating in 2022. Actually it helps in avoiding nasty cloud costs, says CEO, IBM settles 36m Direct Line insurance platform project lawsuit, after claiming Teradata tried to usurp its spot, IBM insiders say CEO Arvind Krishna downplayed impact of email troubles, asked for a week to sort things out, Age discrimination case against IBM leaks emails, docs via bad redaction.
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The impact of currency is determined by calculating the prior period results using the current-year monthly average currency rates. Only Teradata gives you the flexibility to handle the massive and mixed data workloads of the future, today. Teradata reports its results in accordance with GAAP. The Companys GAAP effective tax rate for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2020, includes a net $9 million income tax benefit resulting from the CARES Act of 2020, which allows US corporations a one-time opportunity to claim income tax refunds by allowing a 5-year net operating loss (NOL) carryback for taxable losses incurred in the tax year 2020. It's also facing competition from Microsoft that's likely making it harder to grow as quickly, RBC analysts wrote. Teradata Columnar, a transformative advance in database technology that fully integrates columnar and row-based tables, launches. Our management internally uses supplemental non-GAAP financial measures, such as gross profit, operating income, operating margin, net income, and EPS, excluding certain items, to understand, manage and evaluate our business and support operating decisions on a regular basis. Forward-looking statements in this release include our 2022 first quarter and full year financial guidance and share repurchase plans. The business will be based around six units: cloud, applications, data and AI; security and resiliency; core enterprise and zCloud; network and edge; and digital workplace. The following tables reconcile Teradatas actual and projected results and EPS under GAAP to the Companys actual and projected non-GAAP results and EPS for the periods presented, which exclude certain specified items. 11:46am: The team announced they have indeed selected the contract of Bauers.To make room on the 40-man roster, reliever Lou Trivino was transferred to the 60-day IL.. 7:59am: The Yankees have . What it does: Dropbox makes cloud-based content-management and file-sharing software. Our enterprise analytics solve business challenges from start to scale. In addition, the Company recorded a $2 million discrete tax benefit in the third quarter of 2021 for GAAP purposes resulting from a provision to return true up to the Companys net operating loss upon completion of its 2020 US federal income tax return and its NOL carryback claim afforded by the CARES Act of 2020. What it does: New Relic makes cloud-based software to help websites and applications track how their servers are performing and make sure they're running without interruptions. However, as described below, the Company believes that certain non-GAAP measures such as non-GAAP gross profit, non-GAAP operating income, non-GAAP net income, and non-GAAP earnings per diluted share, or EPS, all of which exclude certain items (as well as free cash flow), and which may be reported on a constant currency basis, are useful for investors. Given that, it would make sense for a larger company to look into acquiring Zoom. As a result of these adjustments, the Companys non-GAAP effective tax rate for the three months ended December 31, 2021 was 21% and December 31, 2020 was 26.3%. The Company believes this is a useful metric to investors as it demonstrates progress toward achieving our strategic objectives as outlined in the Form 10-K and Form 10-Q. They also note that Microsoft and Google sell their content-management tools as part of a larger suite while Dropbox doesn't have a full-fledged sales team focused on enterprise customers. 2011. Teradata Engaged Employer Overview 3.1K Reviews 168 Jobs 4.3K Salaries 533 Interviews 1.1K Benefits 37 Photos 887 Diversity + Add a Review Teradata Employee Reviews about "layoff" Updated Apr 27, 2023 Search Reviews Clear All Full-time, Part-time English Filter Found 93 of over 3K Sort Popular Popular COVID-19 Related Highest Rating Lowest Rating You can sign up for additional subscriptions at any time.
Forward-looking statements generally relate to opinions, beliefs, and projections of expected future financial and operating performance, business trends, liquidity, and market conditions, among other things. They named 16 companies, including pandemic darlings like Zoom and the IT management software firm SolarWinds, which is still reeling from a devastating 2020 hack. The global data warehouse stalwart made its name with tightly integrated software and hardware systems sold as analytics "appliances", but in the last two years has shifted focus to its cloud platform following fierce competition from so-called cloud-native rivals including Snowflake, AWS, Microsoft, and Google. Amortization of acquisition-related - intangible assets 0.01 0.01 Acquisition, integration, reorganization-related, and other costs Teradata declined the opportunity to deny hardware support was being transferred to IBM. Public cloud ARR is defined as the annual value at a point in time of all contracts related to public cloud implementations of Teradata Vantage and does not include ARR related to private or managed cloud implementations. "This is the entire on-premises estate for Teradata," said a senior source close to the company. Learn more at The Company believes such non-GAAP financial measures (1) provide useful information to investors regarding the underlying business trends and performance of the Companys ongoing operations, (2) are useful for period-over-period comparisons of such operations and results, that may be more easily compared to peer companies and allow investors a view of the Companys operating results excluding stock-based compensation expense and special items, (3) provide useful information to management and investors regarding present and future business trends, and (4) provide consistency and comparability with past reports and projections of future results. 3. "We think the company has made good progress on its cloud transition, and as such, it could represent an interesting acquisition candidate for a large vendor or PE shop that wants to get deeper into cloud analytics," RBC analysts wrote. About Teradata Teradata (NYSE: TDC) today announced its fourth-quarter and full-year 2021 financial results. Our non-GAAP measures are not meant to be considered in isolation to, as substitutes for, or superior to, results determined in accordance with GAAP, and should be read only in conjunction with our condensed consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP. For non-GAAP Diluted Earnings Per Share preliminary estimate for fiscal 2022, Teradata is not providing a reconciliation to the most comparable GAAP measure (GAAP Diluted Earnings Per Share preliminary estimate for fiscal 2022) as non-GAAP adjustments relate to events that have not yet occurred and would be unreasonably burdensome to forecast. This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. In particular, free cash flow indicates the amount of cash generated after capital expenditures for, among other things, investment in the Companys existing businesses, strategic acquisitions, strengthening the Companys balance sheet, repurchase of the Companys stock and repayment of the Companys debt obligations, if any. Teradata support employees are holding their breath to the point of turning blue. "We think Splunk is too good a business/asset to trade where it is and believe the work undergone from a product and go-to-market perspective, along with a new CEO should position the company as a good investment going forward with good execution," RBC analysts wrote. He's not sure any company would be able to get a Slack-sized deal done in the current economic climate aside from, perhaps, Microsoft. Teradata Market Cap: $3.2 billion What it does: Teradata makes software for cloud databases and analytics. The Teradata logo is a trademark, and Teradata is a registered trademark of Teradata Corporation and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and worldwide. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME, (in millions, except per share amounts - unaudited), CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS, CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS. , The Register Biting the hand that feeds IT, Copyright. On November 1, 2021, Teradata's Board of Directors authorized an additional $1 billion to be utilized to repurchase Teradata common stock under its open market share repurchase program.. By providing my email address and clicking sign up I consent that Q4 Inc. may occasionally send me the communications I have selected to receive above on behalf of Teradata. A total of 5 acquisitions came from private equity firms.It has also divested 1 asset.. Teradata's largest acquisition to date was in 2011, when it acquired Teradata - Marketing Applications for $525M. Teradata defines free cash flow as cash provided by / used in operating activities, less capital expenditures for property and equipment, and additions to capitalized software. The Motley Fool recommends Teradata. Why it's an acquisition target: Couchbase went public in 2021 and has since been pivoting to offer a fully cloud-hosted database. To more accurately reflect the impact of the expense on a quarterly basis for non-GAAP purposes, the $3 million of tax expense was recognized ratably each quarter in 2020 instead of being included in the marginal effective rate. Join SI Premium - FREE. Several deals have already made waves. We look forward to delivering ongoing innovation for our customers, maintaining our ethos of strong corporate citizenship, and driving profitable growth and long-term value creation for our shareholders., Teradata is raising its 2022 outlook for public cloud ARR and EPS, as well as increasing the return of capital to shareholders, said Claire Bramley, Chief Financial Officer, Teradata. hb```&V[ eah```t``s#TN'lF[z8Y|0m ARR does not include managed services and third-party software. Learn more at The company has made a few small acquisitions of it own as it looks to expand beyond video conferencing into a video-communications platform. What it does: Box makes cloud-based file-sharing and content-management software. 2. Only Teradata gives you the flexibility to handle the massive and mixed data workloads of the future, today. We look forward to delivering ongoing innovation for our customers, maintaining our ethos of strong corporate citizenship, and driving profitable growth and long-term value creation for our shareholders., Teradata is raising its 2022 outlook for public cloud ARR and EPS, as well as increasing the return of capital to shareholders, said Claire Bramley, Chief Financial Officer, Teradata. Founded in 1993 by brothers Tom and David Gardner, The Motley Fool helps millions of people attain financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio show, and premium investing services. The Company believes such non-GAAP financial measures (1) provide useful information to investors regarding the underlying business trends and performance of the Companys ongoing operations, (2) are useful for period-over-period comparisons of such operations and results, that may be more easily compared to peer companies and allow investors a view of the Companys operating results excluding stock-based compensation expense and special items, (3) provide useful information to management and investors regarding present and future business trends, and (4) provide consistency and comparability with past reports and projections of future results. The Teradata logo is a trademark, and Teradata is a registered trademark of Teradata Corporation and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and worldwide. However, they think the overall market for IT-service management will consolidate over time, and N-Able is one company that a private-equity firm could acquire as part of that trend. What it does: Couchbase is an open-source cloud-based noSQL database, which means it can handle data that's not in a traditional SQL format. After going public in 2018, the company's growth has stagnated in recent years, and its software would likely grow faster as part of a larger platform, several analysts have said. "Over the course of the last year, we have embarked on a journey to cloud-first and today . 2023 Phase one of GMH, in Gulf of Guinea's Punta Europa, started delivering gas in February 2021. Teradata Reports First Quarter 2021 Financial Results. Annual recurring revenue (ARR) is defined as the annual value at a point in time of all recurring contracts, including subscription, cloud, software upgrade rights, and maintenance. Acquisition, integration, reorganization related, and other costs, Amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets. 2021 was an impressive year for Teradata. Total ARR is expected to grow at a mid-to-high-single-digit percentage year-over-year. Aug 23, 2021 4 min read IBM Takes Over Teradata Updated: Sep 16, 2022 The Teradata announcement of outsourcing maintenance agreements to IBM shocked the Teradata community. Public cloud ARR is expected to increase by approximately 80% year-over-year. ET, after the data management specialist reported fourth-quarter 2021 earnings last night -- and beat. I am proud of our team's steadfast focus on execution and operational excellence that enabled us to meet or beat every element of our We delivered strong results, driving more than 90% growth in public cloud ARR and significantly growing new cloud customers. The Companys full-year 2020 GAAP marginal effective tax rate included $3 million of tax expense related to tax contingencies pursuant to FIN 48. "Given intense competition, we believe the company could benefit from additional scale and could be an interesting asset to a bigger platform vendor that could spend more than Sumo could as an independent company," the analysts wrote. Director (Former Employee) - San Diego, CA - December 22, 2021. Big Blue itself responded to us by saying we needed to ask Teradata for comment. Overall, Teradata expects public cloud ARR to increase by at least 165% year-over-year in Q1 2021 and expects to at least double ARR year-over-year for 2021. For the twelve months ended December 31, the Companys non-GAAP effective tax rate was 22.4% for 2021 and 23.2% for 2020. What it does: Qualys is a cybersecurity company and makes software for cloud security, compliance, and vulnerability-management solutions. A person who asked to remain anonymous pointed out that while systems architects were trying to convince businesses to make the shift to the cloud, users of Teradata systems business analysts who use data to inform important company decisions were less keen. Christopher T. Lee
We delivered strong results, driving more than 90% growth in public cloud ARR and significantly growing new cloud customers. This was offset by $1 million of tax expense related to withholding taxes associated with the same intra-entity transfer recorded in the second quarter of 2020. Heading into last night's report, analysts had forecast that Teradata would earn an adjusted profit of $0.27 per share on sales of $478.6 million. "It would not surprise us to see interest from private equity, especially after the significant slowdown in growth," RBC analysts wrote. Read Full Review 5.0 Feb 2, 2023 Review Source: Product: Teradata Vantage Perspective by experience. Our non-GAAP measures are not meant to be considered in isolation to, as substitutes for, or superior to, results determined in accordance with GAAP, and should be read only in conjunction with our condensed consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP. Teradata reports its results in accordance with GAAP. This includes machine upgrade and machine migration, as well as software support, such as upgrades or specific patches. Free cash flow does not have a uniform definition under GAAP and, therefore, Teradatas definition may differ from other companies definitions of this measure. The one-time tax benefit for this intra-entity asset transfer of $157 million was recorded as a deferred tax asset for GAAP reporting purposes in the first quarter of 2020 but was excluded from Non-GAAP results. Teradata filed a carry back of its 2020 NOL to claim a refund for taxes it paid in 2015, which created a one-time income tax benefit for GAAP reporting purposes for the difference between the 2015 federal statutory tax rate of 35% and the current federal statutory rate of 21%. Why it's an acquisition target: Coupa would be an interesting acquisition for a private-equity firm because "back-office software vendors" are in high demand, RBC analysts wrote. If the company is not able to execute its new strategy, it might make sense for the board to explore a sale to a larger firm, the analysts wrote. However, Box ended up getting an investment from the private-equity firm KKR that halted rumors of a sale and subsequently saw higher growth rates. Why it's an acquisition target: Teradata has. 10107 0 obj
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Who could acquire it: Private equity. Our management internally uses supplemental non-GAAP financial measures, such as gross profit, operating income, net income, and EPS, excluding certain items, to understand, manage and evaluate our business and support operating decisions on a regular basis. * Represents the income tax effect of the pre-tax adjustments to reconcile GAAP to Non-GAAP income based on the applicable jurisdictional statutory tax rate of the underlying item. What it does: Sumo Logic makes cloud-based data-analytics software that helps companies monitor and analyze how their employees and customers are accessing data and processes in the cloud. And just last month, Adobe executives announced the company is acquiring the beloved design startup Figma for $20 billion. In fact, the company earned more than twice the predicted profit -- $0.57 per share -- and needed sales of only $475 million to do it. Total ARR is expected to grow at a mid-to-high-single-digit percentage year-over-year. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including those relating to: the global economic environment and business conditions in general or on the ability of our suppliers to meet their commitments to us, or the timing of purchases by our current and potential customers; the rapidly changing and intensely competitive nature of the information technology industry and the data analytics business; fluctuations in our operating results; our ability to execute and realize the anticipated benefits of our business transformation program or other restructuring and cost saving initiatives; risks inherent in operating in foreign countries, including foreign currency fluctuations; risks associated with the ongoing and uncertain impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business, financial condition and operating results and on our customers and suppliers; risks associated with data privacy, cyberattacks and maintaining secure and effective products for our customers, as well as, internal information technology and control systems; the timely and successful development, production or acquisition, availability and/or market acceptance of new and existing products, product features and services; tax rates; turnover of our workforce and the ability to attract and retain skilled employees; protecting our intellectual property; availability and successful execution of new alliance and acquisition opportunities; subscription arrangements that may be cancelled or fail to be renewed; the impact on our business and financial reporting from changes in accounting rules; and other factors described from time to time in Teradatas filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its most recent annual report on Form 10-K, and subsequent quarterly reports on Forms 10-Q or current reports on Forms 8-K, as well as Teradatas annual report to stockholders. "Anything sub-$10 billion is more feasible for strategics in this environment," he told Insider. Teradata defines free cash flow as cash provided by / used in operating activities, less capital expenditures for property and equipment, and additions to capitalized software. Including the income tax effect assists investors in understanding the tax provision associated with those adjustments and the effective tax rate related to the underlying business and performance of the Companys ongoing operations. We continue to demonstrate our commitment to deliver shareholder value through disciplined capital allocation, including our intention to enter into a $250 million accelerated share repurchase program in the first quarter, enabled by our strong balance sheet and projections of cash flow generation., Fourth-Quarter 2021 Financial Highlights Compared to Fourth-Quarter 2020, Full-Year 2021 Financial Highlights Compared to Full Year 2020. They said it could be acquired by a private-equity firm or another cloud vendor. MEDIA CONTACT
The impact of currency is determined by calculating the prior period results using the current-year monthly average currency rates. This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. To ensure the most secure and best overall experience on our website, we recommend the latest versions of, Perpetual software licenses, hardware and other, Selling, general and administrative expenses, Right of use assets - operating lease, net, Current portion of finance lease liability, Current portion of operating lease liability, Pension and other postemployment plan liabilities.
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