Phantom Thieves Third Tier Persona Ann Takamaki Palace Tips and Strategies In the normal ending, you beat Yaldabaoth, go to jail for a bit and then go on a road trip with your friends. Igor Fool Confidant Since the numbers don't climb back down though, as soon as someone plays a card of higher value than an 8, you can no longer play it that turn. Vanadis Hereward Secret and DLC Boss Guides Comments. How Long Does It Take To Finish Persona 5 Royal? Here you can look at all the game's art, listen to all the music, rewatch any of the story movies at any time, play a card game, and even keep track of a whole host of new achievements. Mementos Overview and Features Hifumi Togo Star Confidant Toranosuke Yoshida You can buy them everyday at the Discount store in Shibuya or the Sports Shop at the Shibuya Underground Mall. Once someone sets a card down, the person following must place a card of higher value down, or else pass their turn. Illustration of Morgana and Aigis by Shigenori Soejima (, Morgana and Aigis on the cover of Dengeki Playstation Vol. Weapon Lovers Arcana Billiards SECRET BOSSES: Two of these three are NG+. Nue Niijimas Palace Shigenori Soejima drew illustrations on the booth at the end of last day's event. Coin Laundry, Family Restaurant, Fishing Pond, and the Vending & Capsule Machines are unlocked after using them for the first time. Megami Tensei Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Hopefully this helps some of you guys out with completing your Thieves Den! That said, his magic DPS is kinda bad since he doesn't get any boosts to his Curse/Almighty skills and will mostly be relegated to Debilitating things. As you complete achievements, the wall lining the Thieves Den will fill up with art representing them. Persona 5- Dancing in Starlight - Morgana Social Events -PS4-. The protagonist's confidants talking with one another in the Thieves Den, The protagonist playing Tycoon with his friends, Finishing Touch: Akechi (Black Mask) (3P), All-out Attack: Caroline and Justine (3P), Finishing Touch: Caroline and Justine (3P). Emperor Arcana ), -2 morgana concept arts (already have the car), -all other concept art( other than confidants), 1 thing in daily life in palace maker( not sure what I'm missing as I walked around every place I could and interacted with everything at least once. However, we went through many twists and turns deciding on how to implement it. You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos. May Persona 5 Royal System Difficulty Persona Compendium -The Daily theme you're missing is 'He's A Trickster*' It's VERY easy to miss. By Here you can look at all the game's art, listen to all the music, rewatch any of the story movies at any time, play a card game, and even keep track of a whole host of new achievements. Unlessyou stage a revolution. Daily-He's a Trickster: Complete the Mementos request "An Idol and a Unicorn" Then talk to Star Lilina in Akihabara. Cookie Notice Hastur (1920x1080), Morgana Wallpaper - Sapporo ver. Youll be able to customize the appearance of the Den itself, as well as the background music that plays while youre here. Ryuji's Tier-3 is also good since it can be paired with Akechi a lot more seamlessly (since Akechi's physicals are better) to reduce the SP cost without needing Spell Master on Ryuji. The protagonist having a nightmare. From the Palace Maker machine near the front entrance, you can customize the Thieves Den with different themes and props for display - depending on the props you put out, cognitive versions of your companions throughout the game might show up and make a few remarks. Shadow IT President Persona 5 Cassandra Morris Talks About Playing Morgana! This new area can be customized freely to your hearts content, and more decorative and cosmetic items will be unlocked as you progress through more of the main story. Thanks to the Thieves . Concept Art: The protagonist can view concept art from the game. Orpheus Telos Picaro Since transmutation items are now much easier to get thanks to Jose, this is an easy one to miss. Going to the Thieves Den doesnt take up any time at all, and you can access it whenever youre not in a dungeon. You can unlock decorative items based on your progress. Raoul Morgana and the protagonist in their room, Morgana trying to lockpick Madarame's lock, Morgana roped to a hook as part of the group's plan to steal Madarame's Treasure. Terms of Use and Lock Down Morgana watching the protagonist take on the first, Morgana next to the protagonist reading at the. Music: A collection of music from both the original, On the topmost floor of the Thieves Den, there is mysterious graffiti of six stars on one of the walls. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Protagonist Robin Hood New Game+ Rewards, Persona 5 Palace Guides October Classroom Answers Confirm counter in Thieves Den went up; Reload your save; Continue down friendship route; If you collect all awards you can speak to Jose in the Thieves Den for a letter that makes compendium summons free and an accessory that prevents enemies from seeing you; School Life. Q: What about the Thieves Den? She has 4 main phases: only being able to hit one affinity (Fire, Elec, Ice, Wind) per turn for good damage, needing technicals (one per party turn), needing criticals (one per party turn), and then a mixed bag. The total number of P Medals that can be obtained from awards alone is 2,420. Likewise, you can't unlock a diorama of a location you haven't yet visited. From here, youll see several categories of items that you can buy, including layouts for the Den, as well as statues that you can place around. Phantom Thieves Edition. Game Controls, Tips and Strategies Showtime: Perform each showtime at least once. Temperance Arcana - YouTube Roughly 295 hours to get all these. Takuto Maruki Consultant Confidant Paramount, or their marketing partners, may have directed the removal . Morgana and the protagonist back in the attic. The entrance to the upstairs wing of the Thieves Den is near the movie viewing area. Illustration of Morgana and the others by, Illustration of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Illustration of the main members of Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Illustration of Morgana and the protagonist by Shigenori Soejima, Illustration of Morgana, the protagonist and, Illustration of the protagonist and Morgana as done by Shigenori Soejima. I would recommend being at or close to max level for this fight because doing it solo as Joker would mean having to get crits every turn for the middle two phases (Yoshitsune rubbing their hands together). "Leg exercise". Again, more music will be available for purchase as you progress through the story, so you can buy the tracks here and set them as your active BGM. Proteins vary and can give +1 or more to your max health. Famitsu Article Teased New Features and Confidants New Velvet Room Features in P5R Magic Skills Futaba (Hermit) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Within the daily life segment of the game, these locations are often shown only from a fixed angle, so these displays give you a chance to examine all the scenery up close and find new details. in Japanese, is a location and mechanic in Persona 5 Royal. World of Qlipoth Mishima's Call(not sure what arc): only available if you complete Mishima's confidant before 12/22. Cognitive Wakaba Isshiki Persona 5 Royal Thieves Den: How to Unlock, Customize, Play Cards, & More. Lavenza: Going into this fight blind is terrible, but once you get a feel for the pattern it's basically a full showcase of P5R's combat. Challenge Battles Joses Shop and Services Morgana with the protagonist trying his coffee. ), Scan this QR code to download the app now. Awakened Ultimate Persona Complete List Of Thieves' Den Awards In Persona 5 Royal School Life Confidants Battle Phantom I had forgotten that I save scummed for the Award and never actually beat him on my file. Here, players can bask at everything they have accomplished during their time in the game. Treasure Traps are nice because you only need to activate it once and the effect remains until you leave the palace (If you activate one in Mementos Depths, it also carries through to Qlipoth). The Thieves Den, also known as My Palace (, Mai Paresu)? Orpheus Telos Futaba. In order to unlock the Thieves Den, at least one playthrough of Persona 5 Royal must go past the 5th of May, the date where the Phantom Thieves were formed in their Wilton Hotel buffet celebration. These, along with the animated cutscenes, music, and all other artwork, can be purchased to view or listen to at any time with P coins, which you'll be receiving as you complete achievements and advance the game. Haru reminding Morgana he belongs with the protagonist. Persona 5 Royal Palace Guides Can anyone help me with getting some of these thieves den items? The Thieves' Den in Persona 5 Royal is a special place that you unlock after the events in Kamoshida's Palace. August Futabas Palace Kasumi (Faith) William Home Post in our Forum. Ideally your playthroughs should go something like this: Playthrough 1: All Confidants, All Social Stats, Third Semester (Savescum to accept Maruki's deal), Fill as Much of Compendium while at a high level, True Ending Playthrough 2 (NG+): Twins, Finish Compendium (Satanael), Get Maruki to Rank 8 as late as possible and make a save, Third Semester, Jose & Lavenza Playthrough 2.5: Resume the Maruki Rank 8 Save and get the Vanilla P5 ending *Technically you could just get the Vanilla ending on the first playthrough and finish everything in 2 playthroughs, but as someone who was excited for the new gameplay (and wanting to experience it raw as opposed to with level 99 personas and 999 HP), that wasn't happening. This will contain spoilers. Books Mishima Yuuki Scan this QR code to download the app now. Cognitive Politician Ooe Ann (Lovers) Daily Life-Fishing Pond: Go to the fishing pond in Ichigaya. The Phantom Thieves of Hearts feat. Tier-3 Skills I'll keep this short since it's more for Ryuji and Ann's Tier-3s but they can easily carry you in third semester boss fights with the right party. Foggy Day (Yu) Fast Money Earning Guide Consultant Arcana After returning to Leblanc, you will be notified that the Thieves Den has been unlocked. Shadow Shido (Samael) Thieves Den Rewards Every odd turn you charge up and prepare, then every even turn you launch 4 fully boosted attacks. Arcana Ultimate Persona Leveling Guide, Palace Boss Guides September Ichiko Ohya Raoul Rin Tohsaka It is advised to reload saves to fully unlock the Thieves Den instead of starting multiple playthroughs. and our Kichijoji Mysterious Merchant He noted that Hasbro erased his signature from the print. How to Acquire Will Seeds While most items in the Palace Maker becomes available naturally as the game progresses or by maxing out Confidants, certain items have a different requirement. September Persona 5 Maniax User Handbook Cover Illustration of Phantom Thieves of Hearts Morgana and the protagonist on the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Persona 5 by Shigenori Soejima Morgana's PS4 Theme Morgana's PS4 Theme Morgana retains his Metaverse form in some promotional material Morgana's All-out Attack portrait Shidos Palace New Years Card (2016) of Morgana and the protagonist (, 30th Anniversary of Famitsu special illustration of Morgana and Opa-Opa from, New Years Illustration (2017) of Morgana and the protagonist (, Morgana with Teddie in the 200,000 followers celebration (, New Years Illustration (2018) of Morgana and, New Years Illustration (2023) of Morgana, Jack Frost and, Morgana Vending Machine at Atlus HQ (2) (, Transparent render of Morgana and the protagonist, Morgana in the Real Escape Game collaboration, Character art of Morgana in the Real Escape Game. Persona 5 is a role-playing game by ATLUS in which players live out a year in the life of a high school boy who gains the ability to summon facets of his psyche, known as Personas. Fishing Kasumi Yoshizawa You can also deck out the Thieves Den with decor and assets, from the Metaverse and Velvet Room to Confidants and enemies. Morgana being carried in the protagonist's bag. Izanagi no Okami Picaro Tips/Tricks . Different Game Endings Chimera The rewards are two items 1. In Tycoon, you can also choose to lay out a pair instead of one card, forcing anyone following to lay out a pair as well or else cede their turn. Guts Morgana's teeth in his serious portrait are only visible in the Navigator tab. Yaldabaoth (God of Secrets) Persona 5s Morgana English Voice Acting Previewed, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Prepare for an all-new RPG experience in Persona 5 Royal based in the universe of the award-winning series, Persona! Haru Okumura 2 20 CV., , Persona 5 Royal Morganas Phantom Thief Crash Course PlayStation 4, P5S , Traveling Morgana's Newsletter #1 (11/4/2019), Traveling Morgana's Newsletter #2 (11/26/2019), P5S 3, Traveling Morgana's Newsletter #3 (12/17/2019), P5S 4"""", Traveling Morgana's Newsletter #4 (1/10/2020), P5S 5, Traveling Morgana's Newsletter #5 (1/27/2020), Persona 25th Times West Merchandise and Event News, Morganas Guide to P3P and P4G! Shadow Cleaner Foggy Day Challenge Battle He can transform himself into other members of the Phantom Thieves while exploring. Yaldabaoth Arc-Phantom Bonds, His Return, Welcome Back, Journey to Freedom: All are gotten by Achieving the original Persona 5 ending. Diego Special: A collection of past live concerts. Part-Time Jobs For more information, please see our Cookie Notice If all the awards are unlocked, Jose will send an Invisible Veil and Letter of Royalty to the protagonist's room in Leblanc. Archives: The protagonist can view cinematic and animated, PV: A collection of previous PV trailers that advertised. Thief Life Guides Recommended Trait Skills English/Chinese Version Release Date Inadvertently Revealed Makoto Niijima Priestess Confidant Joses Shop and Services Morgana settles a deal with the protagonist. It presented as the protagonist 's Palace and acts as the game's gallery room. In Persona 5 Royal, you'll be able to access the Thieves' Den once you've cleared the first dungeon of the game, Kamoshida's Castle. Morgana confirming Futaba's read her calling card, scaring her again. Tam Lin In Persona 5 Royal, youll be able to access the Thieves Den once youve cleared the first dungeon of the game, Kamoshidas Castle. You need to go to Akihabara during the Epilogue (when you're saying farewell to all your Confidants) and talk to Star Lilina there. -The Story music you're missing is the original credits theme, 'With The Stars and Us'. Azathoth Hecate In Vanilla P5, every party member was segregated to only a few potential roles and couldn't be min/maxed easily, but in Royal you turn whoever you want into a maxed out DPS cannon with the right tools. Orpheus Telos Treasure Persona At higher difficulties, your teammates will do this to you often. Sojiro Sakura November Celestine It's a fairly complicated game, so the best way to understand it is to get out there and play a few hands. TRICKSTER SONG: This is the last unlockable song in the Thieves Den in the Daily Life category. Morgana with the protagonist and Akechi in the, Morgana passing the baton to the protagonist. Defeating Bosses I have the laundromat, Diner, Hawaii, tv studio, Press conference, fishing pond, and capsule machines), last three things in velvet room palace maker, last thing in enemy palace maker(new final boss?). Subreddit Community for Persona 5 and other P5/Persona products! News and Features Archive, New Persona Incense Thieves Den Gallery [6] "Bad Ending" Battle Cut-ins Concept Art Others Photos Special HUD [8] Buttons Icons Confidant Portraits (CN/JP) Dialogue Menu Portraits IM Assets (CN/JP) Party Battle Icons Photos (IM) Security Level Wanted Images Miscellaneous [8] All-Out-Attack Portraits Critical Hit Cutins Game Icon, Save Files, & Live Area I'll put a little section about little tricks you can do to make your party stronger. Astarte Tower Arcana Sae Niijima Some of them were formally PSN trophies (such as reading every book) but have been moved here, making Persona 5 Royal somewhat easier to 100% if you're only looking at the trophies. All in all, the Thieves Den is a great feature for people looking to see absolutely everything that went into the game, from the concept art to the soundtrack and the rest of your team's character models. The Thieves Den can be decorated with various items related to Joker's journey through the game. Al Azif Athena New DLC Persona in P5R Morgana loses control over Kamoshida's Treasure. The player will obtain awards for certain achievements while going through the main story. Additional Palace and Mementos Guides If everyone at the table cedes their turn, the round ends and begins again where it started last time. By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's Morgana's drawn on the items of the results screen. In the gallery, in archive, what's the category in between photos and others? Reaper Experience Farming Broken mask with the phantom thieves edition? You can also deck out the Thieves Den with decor . There are 52 new achievements to shoot for in the Thieves Den, spread out across four categories: School Life, Confidant, Battle and Phantom. New Specialty Shops 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. You can check out a quick overview of the Thieves Den in the preview video above, or in the video tweeted by the official Atlus West Twitter account below. Hangout Spots If you plan on using your teammates, make sure they're at least around level 60-70 and have their Evade skills. Star Arcana Tae Takemi General Persona & Team Suggestions for Bosses: Obviously there's no single right way to go about the combat in this game, but I have a few tips to keep in mind. Daily Activities only thing that makes sense), -the entire section of the gallery between Photos and others (this one really confuses me), -last three images in metaverse denizens (VR attendants? Also, Jose is here! Batting Cage Morgana talking about the protagonist cross-dressing. There are a total of 13 Battle Awards in Persona 5 Royal Thieves Den. A few things are only unlockable after you've completed a certain action - for example, you unlock a statue of the Reaper from Mementos after having defeated it in battle. These achievements carry over to NG+ playthroughs, so all the completionists out there can take a deep breath. Challenge Battle Persona with Special Characteristics Special: The protagonist can view various promotional art related to the game. January Tips for 100% Completion (Trophies, Thieves Den Gallery/Music/Movies etc. As opposed to making an elaborate guide for each day, I figured I'd just point out some things to help my fellow completionists save time. Another rule of Tycoon is that playing an 8 card instantly stops the round, so you can choose to end the set early to keep players who move after you from disposing of any cards. Finally, if you head up to the second floor of the Den, there are floor tiles that you can step on to change your playable character in the Thieves Den. Also, Jose is here! Maruki Arc-Neverending Dream: Accept Maruki's Deal in the third Semester. This the Protagonists personal palace that stores all of his thoughts and memories. Billiards Yusuke Kitagawa Emperor Confidant Simply keep playing through the story until you've reached. Start a platonic relationship with each of the 10 romanceable Confidants, then reach Rank 10 with the Platonic relationship. Milady Sadayo Kawakami Temporary. The protagonist and Morgana discussing Goro Akechi. and our Toranosuke Yoshida Sun Confidant August Holy Grail Initially bound to the Phantom Thieves, the roster will expand to all of Joker's Confidants after beating Yaldabaoth for the base ending or Maruki for the Royal ending. Yaldabaoth Arc-Phantom Bonds, His Return, Welcome Back, Journey to Freedom: All are gotten by Achieving the original Persona 5 ending. - Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Series X-S, Xbox One, Windows. Reloading saves is recommended, as the achievements are recorded universally through multiple saves. Morgana and the protagonist at the movie theater. Key item called "Letter of Royalty" which lets you perform compendium summons for no cost. Depths of Mementos The Thieves Den is a location that acts as a gallery for the Phantom Thieves. The Orichalcum R also provides +7 to all stats (effectively 14) which can be a huge stat boost to any party member (along with Evade Phys). If you're having trouble finding them, just use a Treasure Trap (craftable with Morgana at night) and ambush as many enemies as possible until one shows up. Your help is greatly appreciated. Morgana and the protagonist doing laundry. Maid Cafe June Megami Tensei Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. She does one around 30-40% of the time (don't quote me) and going between floors is very quick. Daily-No more What ifs: Go to the Jazz Club when a singer is there. Agnes Privacy Policy. Takuto Maruki Goro Akeichi Justice Confidant Guide on Thieves Den (My Palace) Awards in Persona 5 Royal, including information of the various awards, and their required conditions. Jose: Available any time after you get through Da'at for story purposes (removing the road block in Maruki's Palace), in addition to having all stamps. The protagonist breaks free of his shackles The protagonist summoning Satanael The protagonist and Morgana. Chalkboard sketch of Morgana and the protagonist at the, Morgana plushie promoted at the Persona 20th Anniversary Festival, Morgana figurine (part of the Figma Joker set), Picaresque Mouse Morgana and the protagonist, Morgana, Teddie & Koromaru die cut towel set (, P25th protagonist dress-up set (Morgana costume), Taiyaki of Morgana, Teddie & Koromaru (Sega Collaboration Cafe, Persona 25th Anniversary). Customize 20 guns with different names in Untouchable. Incense If there's anything I'm missing or could explain better let me know :3. P5R Meet the Phantom Thieves English Trailer Teased The twins and Lavenza also have a few, which are unlocked by getting hit by a crit and getting all out attacked in their fights. After that, when you get home to Leblanc, youll receive a notification stating that the Thieves Den is now available to you. (1080x1920), Chalk illustration of Morgana on the Travelling "Morgana Newsletter" pages of the, Morgana as part of the Treasure Box edition, Valentine's Day Illustration of Morgana and, Morgana Pre-Release Wallpaper (1080x1920), Morgana & Zorro Release Date Wallpaper (1080x1920), Artwork of Morgana and Futaba celebrating, Artwork by Shigenori Soejima of Sophia and Morgana celebrating, Steam Wallpaper - MONA & ZORRO (Uncommon). (1920x1080), Morgana Wallpaper - Sendai ver. Please keep spoiler discussion to dedicated megathreads. Okumuras Palace Infiltration Tools Cookie Notice In Tycoon, a 2 is the highest ranked card, while a 3 is the lowest. Trophy List. Devil Arcana Satanael Tycoon is a card game that can be played with three other characters. Haru Okumura Empress Confidant Most of this is Story based, other than third-evolutions of all party members personas, Maxing out all Confidants, and beating the three secret bosses (Jose, The Twins, and Lavenza). World of Qlipoth Status Recovery Skills You unlock the showtimes as the story progresses. Thats all you need to know about the Thieves Den in Persona 5 Royal. -last two songs in battle (under Our Beginning) -3 songs in daily (last song under Crossroads, the song in between Aria of the Soul and Kichijoji 199X, and the song after Tokyo Emergency) -3 songs in Dungeon (the two songs after Freedom and Peace (most likely from the new palace), final song after Mementos Lower . Social Stats Morgana and Yusuke in the July 2018 issue of Newtype Magazine. Morgana being left behind by the other guys. Weather Conditions Jose, Confidant List and Guide Morgana thinks the protagonist is handsome. All data in the Thieves Den is universally shared among all Persona 5 Royal save files, so the player does not need multiple playthroughs to unlock all available features and achievements. List of Disaster Shadows There are three levels of difficulty: casual, competitive, and cutthroat, and the AI will get more aggressive depending on which level youre on. Morgana watching over the protagonist when crafting infiltration tools. Futaba Sakura It becomes available in NG+ during the third semester upon entering Mementos after the story required trip through Da'at (I had a route to the treasure when I challenged her so I'm not sure if that matters). Shidos Palace Max HP +7. Daily Life-Vending Machines: Buy something from a vending Machine. Metaverse- Jose's Car: Defeat Jose in the cognitive control room in momentos. Yusuke Kitagawa Confidants Section: these are pretty obvious. Battle-Cut-ins: I believe most of these are story based unlocks, but just in case, preform an all out attack with each character. Penguin Sniper DLC Personas do not count towards the Compendium. Necronomicon The Thieves Den will be accessible on day 6/5 of the game. The Thieves Den, also known as the "My Palace" feature, is an all-new collectible hub introduced in Persona 5 Royal. You can even cycle between their Daily, Summer, and Metaverse outfits! World Arcana The protagonist after Valentine's Day The protagonist as seen in the credits Hermit Arcana (1080x1920), Morgana Wallpaper - Sapporo ver. Simply keep playing through the story until youve reached the sushi outing with Ryuji, Morgana, and Ann, where theyll officially form the Phantom Thieves organization. Mementos Mission Request List Izanagi no Okami Unknown Graffiti seen on the topmost floor of the Thieves Den.
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