These names tend to be less frequently used than Percy. Check out our list of 280 beautiful baby girl names, from A to Z, for inspiration for your future brood. (BabyCenter's data comes from hundreds of thousands of parents who share their babies' names with us each year.). I think Percy's a great name! ETA: Y'ALL. * Percy Gardner (1846-1937), English classical archaeologist. He was made Warden of the Marches by Edward III and later went on to support Richard II who made him the first Earl of Northumberland. Enter your email address to receive new posts by email. Percy the Mail Engine is a main character from the Thomas the Tank Engine television series. Percha * Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), English poet. I cant hear Percy without thinking of Percy Weasly (the rat fink) and Percy Jackson. What a great name! * Percy Helton (1894-1971), American actor. FamVeld/Getty Images. In that vein, a few of the Weasleys' first names can be found in the legends of King Arthur. Sorry I tried to take a traditional boy name and make it a girl name only. 80+ Unique Girl Names That Start With A. Luciana-Lucy, Lulu. Percy Williams was a famous track star. [5] She does not think that she is a good fighter and feels that she does not do anyone any good at camp. is an English surname derived from Percy-en-Auge in Normandy. I don't like Percival though, just Percy. Our oldest child is a girl and she gets called [name_f]Bella[/name_f], so any names that end with [name_f]Bella[/name_f] or [name_f]Belle[/name_f] are out for us. What is the meaning of Percy ? Could be short for Persephone or Priscilla, as mentioned. "Percy" was a standard nickname for "Percival", which was traditionally a male name, harking back to an Arthurian knight and earlier. There's also a theory that Piper refers to someone who cleans pipes for a living. It was the revived series of Upstairs Downstairs. 2. Name Percy - Meaning, origin, popularity & pronunciation of the girl's name Levi . ", Baby Name to Consider: Percy (but for a girl). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [name]Prudence[/name] Choose from among the top names for girls that were the most popular in the United States in 2021 (in order of popularity). Do not skip lovely Peruvian girls names even if they are unique, unusual, and different. The girl's name is Rachel Elizabeth Dare. I absolutely love Percy for a girl, not a boy. The first three, as far as I know, were made . In other cases the evidence is not explicit. A year following their birth the Gods realized Poseidon's mistake. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] your girl is three years old by now Our second daughters name is [name_f]Persis[/name_f] and her nick name is [name_u]Percy[/name_u]. Pearlescence He went to the Olympics in 1928. [name_f]Esperance[/name_f] or [name_f]Esperanza[/name_f] This pretty name means "cheerful" or "lively" in Italian and makes a beautiful option for a little girl. I think it would be really cute on a girl. Me and Demio thought, wouldnt Pierce or Pierre be a good name? If you and your husband are looking to use is as a nickname instead you could possibly consider: Persophone :-), I was about to say that I like it as a nickname, but upon further reflection. A good middle name for Percy (girl) would be Josephine or Olivia since I understand Percy is traditionally masculine. Percy is a great nn for Persephone. Demio explained why not. Percy for a girl & middle name options - posted in Baby Names on the Brain: I've liked Percy for a girls name for a while now. Other popular baby girl names from 2021 include Mia, Isabella, Luna, Camila, Gianna, Ella, Sofia and Aria. Personally, I'd go with Percival; it sounds prettier, more dignified. Percy name meanings is Pierce valley. [name_m]Perseus[/name_m] Percy regards her as one of the nicer girls of the cabin and acknowledges that she is pretty, but still finds her to be a "neat freak". Percy as a girl's name. 34. Piper is a sweet and spunky name without many nicknames or variations though the spelling Pyper is a possibility. I just adore Percy Jackson (read them, they're so good!) Sounds like a pipe-smoking old grandad to me, not a very nice name for a child! Except the story is more complicated. Perseis He was the first ever black chemist to be given a spot in the National Academy of Scientists. The volume of emails we now receive means we can't answer all the questions. So according to my completely-unaware-of-this-name-before-today child its a great girl name. I have affiliate relationships with and Reminds me of my favorite poet Percy Bysshe Shelly. Personally I wouldnt give a girl a flat-out boy name, even if the boy name sounded girlish and wasnt used by many boys anymore. Thank you! I think with a different spelling (especially as a nickname for Persephone) it could fly nowadays, but I think most still see Percy as a male name. The name Percy is both a boy's name and a girl's name of French origin. I've always thought it sounds more feminine and have never loved it as a boys name. UK Birth Announcements 6/5/19 - 12/5/19 | Sorry! Who is the girl on Percy Jackson and the Olympians that is wearing a red long sleeve shirt? It doesnt strike me as overly masculine and Ive watched my fair share of Thomas the Train. How would you like these Peruvian girl's names: Annie: "grace" [name]Vesper[/name] We are open to all name suggestions! This rare girls' name combines Christina with the suffix "bel.". To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. The moniker means 'messenger of God'. I absolutely love Percy for a girl, not a boy. Dawn: As bright as the morning rays. Data from the 1881 census (see image, right) shows that it was most common in the South East of England, with little use in Wales and Scotland. She went by Ella as an adult. I lobbied for one of my friends, who was considering Penelope, to consider Persephone. * Percy Weasley, a character in the Harry Potter series. Pershel/Pershela (Persie), Persimmon Im a bit late to this conversation but was reading Harry Potter to my six year old and they just introduced the character Percy and my daughter was confusedwait is that a girl or a boy? Email Swistle at Gmail dot com and tell me all about it. Id want to consider it! The 4th Baron Percy, Henry Percy (1341-1408) was a of Henry III on his mother's side. However, an even earlier example is that of Percy Herbert, 2nd Baron Powis (15981667) whose maternal grandfather was Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland. Meaning/Origin: Sophia is a girl's name that means wisdom in Greek. 35. I agree so much about it being TIME for Persephone, and I think it could be an equally cute nickname for Priscilla, any of the -per names, or any name with an internal -per-: I think it would be a great counterbalance to a weighty, serious virtue name like Temperance, for example! go for it! Percy's average . 16 votes (4%)I like it! They "introduce" her to Camp Half-Blood as the daughter of Poseidon & at the same time . If I were to use it myself, I would use Persephone with the nn Persy (though I also love the nn Seph and Sephi!) Annie: Surprisingly, Annie is used for baby boys in Peru and holds the 41st spot on the Peru baby name list. All the same, so I can like it as much as possible, please try for vintage/spunk. Percette | UK Birth Announcements 13/5/19 - 19/5/19 . Olive Jemima Flora Lois Agnes EttaBarney Casper Hugh Bertie Walter Sidney, If you like Percy you may also like: Dougie, Remy, Lenny, Rudy, Vincent, Ernest, Cedric, Lionel, Wilbur, Clifford, Posted at 01:55 PM in Etymology and Meanings, Literary Names, Name of the Week | Permalink, | I dont care for it as a birth certificate name on a girl, as Im not generally a fan of the boy-name-on-a-girl trend. Email: Swistle at Gmail dot com. diminutive form of Percival People who like the name Percy also like: Oliver, Jasper, Henry, Liam, Felix, Owen, Hugo, Penelope, Charlotte, Alice, Violet, Grace, Hazel, Eleanor Names like Percy: Where as Darcy reminds me of the heart, Percy brings to mind the word terse. Im reminded of little Persis Ford (a girl) from the Anne of Green Gables series. However, when Richard elevated his rival Ralph Neville to Earl of Westmorland in 1397, Henry Percy supported the rebellion of Henry Bolingbroke, who later became King as Henry IV. Perseus "Percy" Jackson is a son of Poseidon and is the protagonist and narrator of the series. :). If anyone complains that Artemis is a girl's name and shouldn't be given to a male dog, there are two very good reason why this is bs: 1) unless you can speak dog don't assume Artie's gender and 2) Artemis Fowl. The name started making an impact in 1999 when it landed on the U.S. Social Security Administration's top 1,000 names given to girls. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018). She participates in the Battle of the Labyrinth. As a nickname for a traditionally girl name, it has some of the flavor of names like Charlie for Charlotte or Bobbi for Roberta. I used to think it was a girl name at 4 lol. Bree: Strong and full of virtue. I like the way it sounds, short and sweet. He is always happy to help and other engines sometimes take advantage . Perseida Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. * Percy Addleshaw (1866-1916), English barrister and writer. Andre means 'man, warrior'. Fawn: Sweet and innocent. She was mother of Algernon Sidney, 'the patron saint of the Whigs', and it may have been Sir Timothy's Whiggism rather than his snobbishness which made him call his son Percy. I would say only if Persephone is the given name with Percy as a nn. But I just cant get behind Percy as a given name for a girl. I can imagine teenagers using it to tease someone in a really mean way. 01 of 29. Birth rankings for Percy in the England and Wales Birth Index: Like most late Victorian favourites, Percy fell out of favour by the mid-20th century. The name Percy is ranked #3976 overall. One is that Piper may be a variant of the Irish name Peppard, which itself comes from the Roman Latin word "piper," meaning "pepper." Required fields are marked *. That would be enough for me not to use it. 1 being the highest and most popular, 66358 being the lowest and least used. But Im not sure the world is ready for Percy to cross over yet and Id be interested in what you and your readers think. 2023 is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. I have a 3.5 yr old son and I right away thought of Percy the train. Cruel, unbelievably cruel. Facebook page for Swistle: Baby Names. Luckily, there are plenty of unique girl names to choose from. * Major-General Sir Percy Cox (1864-1937), British administrator and diplomat. Persephone is a WONDERFUL name that I would use with the nickname Percy if my husband would agree. We can be friends on Facebook! He is hot-tempered but well-meaning. Percy is an adorable old name that is finally shedding its pampered Little Lord Fauntleroy image in this new era of boys with soft yet traditionally male names like Jasper and Elijah. Or for names with an internal PER, such as Temperance. Percy is turned into a mortal girl & wiped out from the memory of Camp half-Blood. and I believe it's usually a man's name. I reaaaaaaaaaaaallllllly love this name because Percy as in Percy Jackson and I'm obsessed with him (not like that) and I also love the name Annabeth so you can probably guess what I'm naming my children riiiiiiiight? When I think Percy I think of someone with charisma and energy, with bright eyes and a thirst for adventure. * Percy Williams Bridgman (1882-1961), Nobel Prize winner in physics. 6 green engine. The Norman town is actually spelled Percy, not Perci. *, Percy has also long been used as a short form of Percival, a name thought to have been invented by Chretien de Troyes for the hero of his 12th century Grail RomancePercevale. He is the junior member of Sir Topham Hatt's railway. * Percy French (1854-1920), Irish songwriter, entertainer and painter. What about: [name]Priscilla[/name] The vibe is obviously very different, yet the sound is so similar. Congrats! Image Source: [email protected] itali.miller It means 'grace'. Percy. Saint Sophia, had three daughterswith gorgeous namesFaith, Hope & Love. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. However, most of his care appears to come from Wiggins, Ratcliffe's servant. I always thought Daphne would be a nice sisters name for her. If you wanted to use it as a nickname for Persephone, thats fine, but after going through the long difficult naming process we went through when naming our son has left me firmly in the Leave Boys Names to Boys camp! Privacy Policy. Percy was such a baby-cute name and we absolutely adored it. I've come across these in search of a girl's name that could be turned into [name]Percy [/name]. Luciana is an unusual vintage name that we don't often hear. [name]Persia[/name] In my opinion this name sounds very adorable. Percy sounds cute as a nickname for Persephone or Percivala, but it would also sound cute as a legal name, too. Also the nickname of Percy, Perce, is cute in its own way. Everyone always assumed she was a man until they met her. Shel is a teenage girl who is likely of Cherokee descent living in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. * Percy Herbert, 2nd Baron Powis (15981667), English writer and politician. Details on PERCY: Gender: Unisex Meaning(s): Pierces Popularity for Boy: 4,459th in the USA (top 15%) Popularity for Girl: 30,993rd in the USA (bottom 45%) Origin(s) for PERCY: American , English , French Themes(s) and list(s) PERCY is on: Cool , Social Security , Ssa , American , English , French Percy doesnt sound masculine enough to age well on a boy, but thats just my personal opinion. Swistle on Twitter Whether you're looking for baby girl name meanings or modern baby girl names, we've got you covered with a list of 300+ Indian baby girl names with meanings specially curated for you. I would like to see it used as a nickname (maybe spelled Persy or Persey or Persie) for the name Persephone, which, now that Penelope and Hermione and Phoebe are familiar, I see no reason we cant bring into fashion. ), British soldier, archaeologist and South American explorer. As a female growing up with a name that when even I see it written out, I automatically think male (it didnt cross-over to girl) I would advise against it. The name Percy is both a boy's name and a girl's name of French origin. Its enough to make parents want to name their sons ugly names, so they will never be mistaken on paper as girls. It isn't a bad association, because Percy is friendly and very sweet. Percy as a boys' name is pronounced PER-see. (2000 U.S. CENSUS) Percy reached its peak rank of #111 in the U.S. in the 1890s, but is not ranked at the moment. Brooke: A gentle stream. I have seen this name short for Perseus in the book The Lightning Thief. I absolutley LOVE this name. Percy in the Top 50 Names. Some are made up by the users, but others arent. Regional data from 2017, however, shows that Percy (which ranked #439 overall) actually varies wildly in usage across the country. At first glance it seems a little Goth. Percy Jackson (born August 18, 1993) is the main character in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians book series and the film adaptation based on Rick Riordan's novel. People name their girls traditional boy names or names that have boy nicknames all the time (think Charlie, Elliott, Alex, Sam), and its very common, although not my style. Scarlett Johansson's character in the movie is named Purslane "Pursy" (purslane is a type of flower/weed). Or the film Percy from the 70s. I haven't even finished reading the entire synopsis and I'm already clicking the "Want to read" button xD damn.I'm debating what to read first, this or To all the boys I've loved before you/can't decide, More questions about The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue. Swistle (main blog) "Swistle" rhymes with "thistle. Alice: Noble and truthful. Primarily a girl's name, Piper is an English name that means someone who plays the musical pipe, flute, or bagpipes. In our collection of 591 cool baby girl names, you'll find unusual girl names that you won't see anywhere else, from boho to edgy. I agree that I think of Percy in the same fashion as Henry. Claiming only one child the Sea God took Nerissa to the plead with the Olympian Council. I know a lady named [name]Percy[/name] and I think in her case it is a nickname for [name]Priscilla[/name]. This, he derived from the Old Frenchperce "pierce" andval "the valley.". In recent years though, Percy has been showing signs of a revival. I'm not sure why, but this name always makes me think of chihuahuas. Henry IV later appointed him Constable of England and granted him the lordship of the Isle of Man. Percia [name]Purcell[/name] Artemis is a great name for a dog regardless of gender and the nickname Artie is equally great! Despite it's earlier use, Percy only really became established as a given name in the 19th century. As we are both in the writing industry and both have obsessions with names, we are finding it very hard to come up with some names that we agree on. } She was mother of Algernon Sidney, 'the patron saint of the Whigs', and it may have been Sir Timothy's Whiggism rather than his snobbishness which made him call his son Percy."*. However, I love the idea of Persephone with nn Persy (or Persie or whatever). I love the name Percy! Redmonds has even noted early examples of Percy in use as a girl's name, pointing out the baptism in 1598 of Percye, the daughter of Henry Farrer of Beverleywhich he attests to "a branch of the Percy family [having] lived in the town from 1597"and also the Hampsthwaite parish burial register contains the names of Piercie Holm, widow (1728) and Percival Holm, spinster (1743). You'll also find plenty of unique spellingslike Brynleigh or Kaydenceand lots of goddess-inspired names, including Persephone . Percy is Thomas' best friend and his favorite job is delivering the mail. Caitrona. I do know of a lovely middle-school aged Persephone though. Why is Percy Jackson not in the namesakes?! He's a gentleman (and a rake), a boy of 17-ish. He is the former head . So, if you are looking for Indian little baby girl names, below is a Hindu and Sanskrit girls' name list for your reference: Percia The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. To me its a perfect little girl name- feminine but spunky. Thanks! [name_u]Persia[/name_u] (Persie) So, we picked out Percy for our little boy. No. They are not checked for accuracy. Want us to tackle your baby-naming problem? If the kid has a speech problem, this could be an embarrassing way to start every conversation. Percy is an adorable old name that is finally shedding its pampered Little Lord Fauntleroy image in this new era of boys with soft yet traditionally, American physicist; winner of the Nobel Prize, Robert Plant's nickname in English band Led Zeppelin, main character in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and The Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus, character in Stephen King's "The Green Mile", murderer of Joe Christmas, acting in the name of patriotism, in Faulkner's "Light in August" (1932), engine in animated series "Thomas and Friends", character in the Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson Haddix, baby owl in "Owl Babies" by Martin Waddell. No one thinks of Percy Jackson? [noted -ed]. Hyphenation: Percy: Number of syllables: 2: Character length: 5: I think it sounds so pretty and dignified. It would so suit someone with an adorable personality, and one thing that makes it extra cute is the adorable Percy from Thomas and Friends. You may be looking for the series, the video game, the film, or the film soundtrack. (Note: Not expecting, just curious). he is a boy, a tall boy, and the best friend of the main character henry montague. Thomas the train is huge in my house. I am sooooo tired of all the Kaley, katelin, Jayden, Ella names. * Percy Sugden, a character in the British soap opera Coronation Street from 1983-1997. Percy jackson after the Giant War became the primordial god of fate, inevitability, deep sea, tide, loyalty, and heroes. At the top of the list for boy dog names is Max and for . Percy is a short form of the name Percival, but also a derivation of an English surname, that comes from the name of the Norman city Perci. Nerissa Jackson, child of Poseidon and twin sister to Percy Jackson. I definitely love the name [name_u]Percy[/name_u] for your baby girl. He is quite content puffing around the yard with no particular desire for adventure in the world outside. Percy Popularity. Perseverance when I was little. It is generally agreed that Percy was first adopted by families connected to the Percy family. Percy just doesnt strike me as something that can be a girls nameeven despite the recent trend of boys names going girl. Perseas Percy is a unisex name. Are there any girls names that can be shortened to [name_u]Percy[/name_u]? Sir Percy is the real name of the Scarlet Pimpernel, a mysterious hero who fights for justice in the late 1700's France and England, in Emmuska Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel novels. I think I'm in love with the name Percy, and not just because of the Percy Jackson series but I like its quiet charm and not too snooty throwback to the Victorian era. I also watched the new Upstairs, Downstairs and, although Lady Persephone Towyn (Persie) was not a very nice character, I still love the name. Its even more ridiculous for a schoolboy or grown man, I'm afraid. Ive been thinking about the name Percy recently, but for a girl. The baby name Persephone glides. In some countries' slang, Percy is the male equivalent. Please don't! Sarah might have met her untimely end in season 8, but she will still remain as one of the series' most . Old fashioned names I like are Alisdair, Henry, George, Frederick etc. Am not a fan of Persephone, but I suppose Percy could be a nickname for that. For example Percy Watson of Newholme in Lythe (1657) was almost certainly the Peter Watson baptised in 1635. * Sir Percy Blakeney, the Scarlet Pimpernel in Baroness Orczy's 1905 novel of the same name and various related works. Willow. It is the 1, 561st most common male first name for living U.S. citizens. Malcolm looked at her questioningly. Arrrgh, I am so so sick of people raiding the boys name side of the baby book for girls names. Percy is baby unisex name mainly popular in Christian religion and its main origin is French. Percy is a very popular first name for males (#465 out of 1220, Top 38%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#7631 out of 150436, Top 5%). Perlayce/Perlace Percy on its own, I dont warm up to so much, but I dont think its actually unusable. They consider it weird. [name]Persis[/name] It's worth noting that unisex names, such as Skye or Phoenix, seem to be climbing in popularity. Poll results for What do you think of the name Percy for a girl? (421 votes total): I love it! I think Percy would also work well as a given name. . While it is clunky with my last name, Id love to hear it on more little girls. If that were true it would suggest that the use of Percy as a diminutive of Peter may go back earlier than the examples I have quoted."*. Blair: One who dwells in the plains. 10. Below you will find the popularity of the baby name Percy displayed annually, from 1880 to the present day in our name popularity chart. Other similar sounding names can be Pareesa, Paresh, Parija, Peers, Paraag, Parwiz, Parik, Parwez, Paras, Parees, Parris, Parsa, Parisa, Perce, Pearce, Paris, Pariza, Paresha, Parag, Parash. Percy is a traditional boys' name that could be cute and unexpected for a girl. I think it most definitely works as a nn for Persephone. I guess its up to you, if you love it to death I would strongly second the nickname idea, and Persephone is lovely and seems to justify the nickname well. Congrats again I hope this was helpful. [name]Persephone[/name] PERSEPHONE. * Lord Percy Percy, two related characters in the popular British sitcom Blackadder. It's an awesome name and it has character. It quickly made it to the top 100 girl's names just over a decade after emerging on the list. Regardless of the meaning, Piper has proven to be influential in the last two decades. At this time, other aristocratic surnames such as Stanley, Sidney, Neville and Clifford became fashionable, and perhaps Percy's connection to the medieval worldespecially thanks to Shakespeare's Harry "Hotspur" Percymay have been fuelled by the Victorian's love of medievalism. Perseus "Percy" Jackson is an eighteen-year-old Greek demigod, the son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. Originating as an aristocratic Norman name, Percy became fairly widespread in England--and to some extent in the US--as an offshoot of the fame of the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Thank you! What is the name Percy short for? Percy sounds very feminine to me! What is the meaning of the name Percy? You can pose questions to the Goodreads community with Angel: Peruvians follow the Spanish custom of using the name Angel for boys. Lorelai and Rory make the cut (hello, "Gilmore Girls"), along with nearly every "Bridgerton" woman you can think of. Actress Taylor Cole masterfully gave Sarah her endearing personality as well as her lovable girl-next-door vibe.
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